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Terminal Portfolio Website by Anirban Kar

Terminal Portfolio Website by Anirban Kar

AngularGitHub ActionsGithub PageFigma

I have created a terminal version of my portfolio website using Angular 15, which offers support for multiple themes and enables the use of keyboard shortcuts for certain functions.


  • Responsive Design 📱💻
  • Multiple themes 🎨
  • Autocomplete feature ✨ (TAB | Ctrl + i)
  • Go previous and next command ⬆️⬇️

Tech Stack

Frontend - Angular Styling - SCSS
UI/UX - Figma
Deployment - Github Actions, Github Pages

Multiple Themes

Currently, this website supports 5 themes. Type themes in the terminal for more info. terminal-portfolio-themes

Lighthouse Score

Anirban Kar Terminal Website Lighthouse Score

Running Locally

Clone the project

git clone

Go to the project directory

cd terminal-portfolio

Remove remote origin

git remote remove origin

Install dependencies

npm install

Start the server

npm start

Inspiration and Credits

These following websites provided some inspiration for creating this type of terminal website. Only some features and functionalities are inspired by these following websites. All codes are written on my own.
