This repository contains code, libraries and hardware I developed over the course of making a thermal imaging camera based on the FLIR Lepton 3.5 module.
The project process is documented at
Code for the Beaglebone Black including my initial PRU-based VoSPI video pipleline and LCD display.
The pocketbeagle was used for the final design of a thermal imaging camera. This directory contains the code supporting the camera and the re-targeting of my Solar Pi Platter as a power-management and expansion board for the Pocketbeagle.
Contains a modified version of Damien Walsh's great leptonic program running on the Raspberry Pi. My version uses the VSYNC output from the Lepton to synchronize the VoSPI transfer as an experiment to increase the reliability of syncing a user-space process to the Lepton video stream.
Contains the code I wrote initially for a test platform based on the PJRC Teensy 3.2 board to learn about the Lepton. Also includes a port of FLIR's LeptonSDKEmb32OEM CCI to the Arduino platform.