This Project Skelton will help you out to understand what hapi is.
const hapi = require('hapi')
Step 1: Creating Server.
const server = Hapi.server({host: 'localhost', port: 8000});
This will set server on port 8000, we can set any number of free port available on system.
//there might comes error while starting server. That must be taken care ofthis will start server on the port we assign and communication starts over it.
Step 2: Add Route
server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: (request, h) => { return demo.baseUrl(request, h) } }); server.route({ method: ['PUT', 'POST'], path: '/', handler: (request, h) => { return demo.postAndPutRequest(request, h) }, options: { description: 'Say hello!', notes: 'The user parameter defaults to \'stranger\' if unspecified', tags: ['api', 'greeting'] } });
REST methods(type of requests)path:
describes the path of URLhandler:
here is function with request and h paramters to handle request and to provide response.options:
this is where you configure things like validation, authentication, prerequisites, payload processing, and caching options -
Step 3: Validation.
joi module is used for validation. We can use it as given below.
const joi = require('joi');
server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/{name}', handler: (request, h) => { return demo.baseUrlWithName(request, h) }, options: { validate: { params: { name: joi.string().min(3).max(10) } } } });
Step 4: Logging
const pino = require('hapi-pino');
Is Used For Basic Logging
await server.register({ plugin: pino, options: { prettyPrint: false, logEvents: ['response'] } });
Step 5: To Load static files
const inert = require('inert');
inert module is use to load static files.
For this we need to register this plugin.
server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/picture.jpg', handler: function (request, h) { return h.file('/path/to/picture.jpg'); } });
Step 6: View Rendering.
vision module is used to render views.
const vision = require('vision');
To use this, this plugin must be registered.
await server.register(vision);
server.views({ engines: { html: handlebars //equire('vision'); }, relativeTo: path.join(__dirname, '../'), path: 'views' });
Determines which view engine is to be used
Base path for the views directory.
Directory name here