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Python Sanic Framework based Movie Management Project with Sanic JWT authentication and ready to deploy heroku code.

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RESTful API that add users and movies

Project Structure & Setup

  • Models/ ("models": objects, functions which connect to database, function as data abstraction layer)
  • Tests/ (tests repository)
  • Routes/ ("views": implementation of API validation, RESTful & json responses)
  • (main application, route setting)
  • requirements.txt (Pythonic requierments)

Install requirements by:
`pip install -r requirements.txt`

* RUN `` to run server

#### CURD /users routes
    [{'id': 1, "name: 'amichay}]

#### CURD /auth : Authentication endpoints

* login is done by POST to `/auth` with payload that includes username & password. The login endpoint returns JWT access-token (which is short-lived) amd refresh-token used for getting a new access-token.
* Example response payload:
    `{'access_token': 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OCwiZXhwIjoxNTU5NjQ3MTI1LCJpYXQiOjE1NTk2NDUzMjUsIm5hbWUiOiJBbWljaGF5IE9yZW4iLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFtaWNoYXkub3Jlbis0Mzc4QGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsInNjb3BlcyI6WyJ1c2VyIl19.2arsjawnHlPT0StNxTkyO6kEdDImqgCnFPjVbcRidEs', 'refresh_token': '12a6c653839e03be9cfa56d35eed26931668b174a58bb589'}
* `access_token` should be used in the header for all protected calls as followes:

     headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"}
* GET `/auth/verify` validates the access-token and responds with `{'valid': True}`
* GET `/auth/me` returns the user information attached to the token.
* GET `/auth/refresh` returns a new access-token. Keep in mind that the fresh-token is not expired in this basic implementation.
* An example of The JWT claims include:

      "user_id": 48,
      "exp": 1559647125,
      "iat": 1559645325,
      "name": "Amichay Oren",
      "username": "",
    * Be advised that the scope is presented, however scope is validated against what appears in the user_id database, and not what is passed in the scope. This means that if user scopes are changed, while they might not be reflected in the JWT claims (yet) they would still impact the authorization.
* Failure to authorize access to resource will return HTTP 403.

* POST `/register` to register user
        "name": "gilu",
        "username": "",
        "password": "Test@123"
        "User created successfuly": "User 1:"
* POST `/update_user/<user_id>` update user information (only for admin role with token authentication).
        "name": "Test",
        "email: ""
* DELETE `/users/<user_id>` deactivate user information (only for admin role with token authentication).
#### CURD /Movies : Authentication required

* Movies API with authentication and endpoints

* POST `/upload` to upload movies data through file (only for admin role with token authentication)
        file upload
* POST `/search_movies?pk=1` search movie with params (only for admin role with token authentication).

    [{'movie_name': 'The Wizard of Oz', 'popularity': 83.0, 'imdbScore': 8.3, 'year_release': '2017', 'genre__genre_name': ['Adventure', ' Family', ' Fantasy', ' Musical'], 'director': 'Victor Fleming'}]

* POST `/search_movies` search movie with arguments (only for admin role with token authentication).

        "movie_name": "The Wizard of Oz", or
        "popularity": 9, or
        "imdbScore": 8.3, or
        "director": "Victor Fleming"
        "movie_name": "The Wizard of Oz",
        "popularity": 83.0,
        "imdbScore": 8.3,
        "year_release": "2017",
        "genre_name": [
            " Family",
            " Fantasy",
            " Musical"
        "director": "Victor Fleming"
        "movie_name": "James Bond",
        "popularity": 9.0,
        "imdbScore": 9.0,
        "year_release": "2010",
        "genre_name": [
            " Adventure",
            " Fantasy",
            " Sci-Fi",
        "director": "Ian Filming"
        "movie_name": "Skyfall",
        "popularity": 9.0,
        "imdbScore": 9.0,
        "year_release": "2010",
        "genre_name": [
            " Adventure",
            " Fantasy",
            " Sci-Fi",
        "director": "Ian Filming"

        "genre": ["Adventure", "Family"]

        "response": [
                "movie_name": "Star Wars",
                "popularity": 88.0,
                "imdbScore": 8.8,
                "year_release": "2010",
                "genre_name": [
                    " Adventure",
                    " Fantasy",
                    " Sci-Fi"
                "director": "George Lucas"
                "movie_name": "Casablanca",
                "popularity": 88.0,
                "imdbScore": 8.8,
                "year_release": "2017",
                "genre_name": [
                    " Romance",
                    " War"
                "director": "Michael Curtiz"

* POST `/add_movies` addm movies (only for admin role with token authentication).
        "movie_name": "Test movie",
        "popularity": 9,
        "imdbScore": 8.3,
        "genre": ["Action"],
        "director": "Test"
* POST `/update_movies` update movies (only for admin role with token authentication).
        "id": 109,
        "movie_name": "Test movie changed",
        "popularity": 9,
        "imdbScore": 8.3,
        "genre": ["Action"],
        "director": "Test"

#### Database Login Creds

* email
* pass Redmi@007


Python Sanic Framework based Movie Management Project with Sanic JWT authentication and ready to deploy heroku code.







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