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Hamster Travel

This is a second take on my personal travel planner that we as a family use since 2014. This version is a full rewrite of the project and is under active development right now (deployed on right now). You can read a bit more about planned features on my personal website.

The old version is still in use and available on (source code for the old Hamster Travel is also on github).


Run locally

Run the following commands to setup dependencies and create the database:

mix deps.get
mix ecto.setup

Run server:

mix phx.server

Visit http://localhost:4000 to start using the app. For login use admin2@mail.test/12345678.

Run tests

mix test


mix credo --strict


I deploy the app on See the documentation on running an Elixir application here. The release configuration is in the fly.toml.

TLDR: perform first deploy by running fly launch and subsequent deploys by running fly deploy.