- 🔭 I currently working as a Front-end Developer(MidLevel)
- 🌱 I have experience with:
- JavaScript | TypeScript | Python | SQL
- HTML | CSS | Sass | Styled Components | Bootstrap | Material UI
- React.js | Redux | Node.js
- Jest | React Testing Library (RTL) | Cypress |TDD | Code Review | Clean Code
- Git | GitHub | Docker | VSCode | Figma | Linux | Windows
- Scrum | Kanban
- MySQL | MongoDB
- Communication | Leadership | Teamwork | Organization | Active Listening | Adaptability | Analytical Thinking
- Insomnia | Postman | Trello | Notion | Slack
- ⚡ Fun fact: Puzzle Addict 🧩 and Podcast Lover🎙
⭐️ Based on Hérika Ströngreen and Khushboo Goel