Stream.Net is a C#-port of stream.js library (created by Dionysis Zindros) that uses a data structure called streams. It resides in Seq
namespace to avoid name collisions with .Net library System.IO.Stream
- Requirements
- Usage
- Introduction: What are streams?
- Getting Started
- More Stream Examples
- Infinite Streams
- Manual Stream Creation
- Alternative Way of Creating Infinite Streams
- Streams at Work
- Tribute
- Other Stream Implementations in CSharp
- .Net 4.0 or newer
- .Net 3.5 can be used as well (most advanced C# features used in this library was introduced in 3.5), however, BigInteger type was added in .Net 4.0.
- Add reference to the Seq.Stream.dll and include
using Seq;
namespace on your project.
A stream is a lazily evaluated or delayed sequence of data elements. A stream can be used similarly to a list, but later elements are only calculated when needed. Streams can therefore represent infinite sequences and series. In object-oriented programming, input streams are generally implemented as iterators (generators).
Streams are containers. They contain items. To make a stream with some items using Stream<T>.Make()
(change T
to the datatype you want to use). Just pass it as arguments the items you want to be part of your stream:
// creates a finite stream containing 10, 20, 30
Stream<int> finiteStream = Stream<int>.Make(10, 20, 30);
is a stream that contains 3 integers: 10, 20, and 30. Use finiteStream.Length
property to check the length of the stream and use the indexer to retrieve items by index. Alternatively, you can get the first item in the stream by calling its Head
Stream<int> finiteStream = Stream<int>.Make(10, 20, 30);
finiteStream.Print("Stream length", finiteStream.Length.ToString()); // Stream length: 3
finiteStream.Print("Head", finiteStream.Head.ToString()); // Head: 10
finiteStream.Print("Item 1", finiteStream[0].ToString()); // Item 1: 10
finiteStream.Print("Item 2", finiteStream[1].ToString()); // Item 2: 20
finiteStream.Print("Item 3", finiteStream[2].ToString()); // Item 3: 30
An empty stream can be created by either Stream<T>.Empty
or Stream<T>.Make().
The stream containing all the items of the original stream except the head can be obtained using the Tail
property of the stream. Calling the Head
or Tail
properties on an empty stream will throw an InvalidOperationException
. To check is a stream is empty, call its IsEmpty
property that will return either true or false.
var finiteStream = Stream<int>.Make(10, 20, 30);
var t = finiteStream.Tail; // returns the stream that contains two items: 20 and 30
t.Print("Next item", t.Head.ToString()); // Next item: 20
var u = t.Tail; // returns the stream that contains one item: 30
u.Print("Next item", u.Head.ToString()); // Next item: 30
var v = u.Tail; // returns the empty stream
v.Print("Is stream empty", v.IsEmpty.ToString()); // Is stream empty: True
// creating empty streams and checking if they're indeed empty
var emptyStream1 = Stream<int>.Empty;
emptyStream1.Print("Is stream1 empty", emptyStream1.IsEmpty.ToString());
var emptyStream2 = Stream<int>.Make();
emptyStream2.Print("Is stream2 empty", emptyStream2.IsEmpty.ToString());
To print all the elements in a stream:
// print elements of a stream
Stream<int> s = Stream<int>.Make(10, 20, 30);
while (!s.IsEmpty)
s = s.Tail;
// print shortcut
Stream<int> s2 = Stream<int>.Make(10, 20, 30);
s2.Print("Prints all the elements in a stream");
One of the useful shortcuts is the Stream.Range(min, max)
function. It returns a stream with the natural numbers ranging from min to max inclusive.
Stream<int> rangeStream = Stream.Range(10, 20);
rangeStream.Print("Range test 1"); // prints numbers from 10 to 20
Functions like Map<T>
, Filter<T>
, Walk<T>
, Take<T>
, and Scale
are just some of the ways to “transform” your streams (refer to Stream function list for all the stream-related functions and their description/syntax). Take note that the streams are immutable, that is they can’t be modified once they’ve been created. To “modify” a stream means to create a new stream that contains the new items/updated data. Functions that work on the same stream can be chained (pipelining) together.
takes a function func
and applies func
to each of the element in the stream and returns a new stream containing the results from applying func
static int DoubleNum(int x)
return x * 2;
var rangeStream = Stream.Range(10, 15);
var doubles = rangeStream.Map(DoubleNum);
doubles.Print("10 - 15 doubled");
// DoubleNum() can be also written as Func<int, int> delegate with an anonymous method
Func<int, int> doubleNum = delegate(int x) { return x * 2; };
// DoubleNum() can be also written as Func<int, int> delegate using a lambda expression
Func<int, int> doubleNum2 = x => x * 2;
// or simply use the lambda expression directly
rangeStream.Map(x => x * 3).Print("Chained methods; 10 - 15 tripled");
takes a function func
and runs func
on every item in the stream and returns a new stream that contains the items for which func
returned true.
rangeStream.Filter(x => x % 2 != 0).Print("Output odd numbers");
Another way to print streams is to use Walk<T>
var rangeStream = Stream.Range(10, 12);
rangeStream.Walk(n => Console.WriteLine("The element is: " + n));
takes a number n
and returns a stream with the first n
elements of the original stream. If the number parameter is omitted, Take<T>
will return the first 20 items as default.
var rangeStream = Stream.Range(10, 100);
rangeStream.Take(10).Print("First 10 items");
takes a stream and an integer (factor) and multiplies the factor to each integer in your stream. Scale
will only work if the items on the original stream have int
as datatype. (refer to Stream function list numbers section for all the functions that are applicable to numbers only).
just like Scale
only works for int
and it adds each element of the first stream to each of the element of the second stream.
var rangeStream = Stream.Range(10, 100);
var multiplesOfTen = rangeStream.Scale(10);
multiplesOfTen.Print("Multiples of ten");
Streams can be used for any datatype supported by the .Net framework.
Stream<string> streamStr = new Stream<string>("hello", () => new Stream<string>("world"));
streamStr.Print("First string", streamStr.Head.ToString()); // First string: hello
streamStr.Print("Next string", streamStr.Tail.Head.ToString()); // Next string: world
var textStream = Stream<string>.Make("I'm", "a", "little", "teapot");
Streams don't need to have a finite number of elements. For example, omitting the second parameter to Stream.Range(low, high)
and write Stream.Range(low)
in that case, there is no upper bound, and so the stream contains all the natural numbers starting from low and up. Omitting both low and high parameters will return the stream of natural numbers.
Stream.Range(10).Take(5).Print(); // Prints 10 11 12 13 14
var nats = Stream.Range();
var oneToTen = nats.Take(10);
oneToTen.Print(); // Prints 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
nats.Map(x => x * 2).Take(3).Print("Evens"); // Prints 2 4 6
nats.Filter(x => x % 2 != 0).Take(3).Print("Odds"); // Prints 1 3 5
Notice that if Print<T>
was applied on an infinite stream, it will print forever, eventually running out of memory. Hence it's best use Take<T>
before Print<T>
. As a precaution, both Take<T>
and Print<T>
has default count of 20, meaning if the user forgot or intentionally omitted the count parameter, Take<T>
and Print<T>
will only output the first 20 items of the stream. Using Length
property on infinite streams is meaningless; doing so will cause an infinite loop (trying to find the end of an endless stream). Map<T>
and Filter<T>
can be used on infinite streams. However, Walk<T>
will also not run properly on infinite streams. So always make sure to use Take<T>
to make an infinite stream finite.
has two overloads that accepts:
- a stream, an optional text description and an optional count which is set to 20 by default
- a stream, a required description, and a required value
// first overload: Print() without parameters
// by default will print the first 20 items from the stream
// evens and odds stream are new streams; they don't modify nats stream at all
nats.Print(); // Prints 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
// second overload: used to print specific stream properties (Length, Head etc)
oneToTen.Print("Stream length", oneToTen.Length.ToString()); // Stream length: 10
oneToTen.Print("Head", oneToTen.Head.ToString()); // Head: 1
oneToTen.Print("Item 2", oneToTen[1].ToString()); // Item 2: 2
oneToTen.Print("Item 3", oneToTen[2].ToString()); // Item 3: 3
oneToTen.Print("Item 4", oneToTen[3].ToString()); // Item 4: 4
Stream objects can be created using Stream<T>.Empty
(empty stream), or new Stream<T>(head, () => Stream<T>.Empty)
(single item, non-empty stream). In case of a non-empty stream, the first parameter is the head of your desired stream, while the second parameter is a function returning the tail (a stream with all the rest of the elements), which could be left out or be explicitly declared as an empty stream.
// a stream that only contains a head (tail is implied to be Stream<int>.Empty)
var singleItem = new Stream<int>(10);
var chainedStream1 = new Stream<int>(10,
() => new Stream<int>(20,
() => new Stream<int>(30)));
chainedStream1.Print("Chained stream 1 (end of stream implied)");
var chainedStream2 = new Stream<int>(10,
() => new Stream<int>(20,
() => new Stream<int>(30,
() => new Stream<int>())));
chainedStream2.Print("Chained stream 2 (end of stream explicitly included)");
This is the long version of var finiteStream = Stream<int>.Make(10, 20, 30)
. Streams can be created either way.
Stream<int> ones = null;
ones = new Stream<int>(1, () => ones);
Stream<int> nats2 = null;
nats2 = new Stream<int>(1, () => nats2.Add(ones));
nats2.Take(5).Print("Alternative way to create natural numbers");
A careful reader will now observe the reason why the second parameter to new stream is a thunked tail and not the tail itself. This way we can avoid infinite loops by postponing when the tail is evaluated.
** A thunk is a zero-argument function used to delay evaluation. To “thunk an expression” use () => exp
instead of exp
Alternatively, Stream class has built-in functions that create infinite series of ones and natural numbers.
var builtInOnes = Stream.MakeOnes();
var builtInNats = Stream.MakeNaturalNumbers();
Another way to build an infinite series of a certain type is to use Stream<T>.Repeat()
, Stream<T>.Iterate()
or to use one of the different Stream constructor overloads.
// "Hi" string printed 20 times
// Prints the first 20 items from a infinitely repeating 1,2,3 stream
Stream<int>.Cycle(1, 2, 3).Print();
// Stream<int>.Iterate invokes the func on the first param
var evens = Stream<int>.Iterate(0, x => x + 2);
// Infinite stream creation via constructors
// almost same as Stream<int>.Iterate but uses the first param as head instead
var odds = new Stream<int>(1, x => x + 2);
var powTwo = new Stream<int>(2, 2, (x, y) => x * y);
powTwo.Print("Powers of Two 2");
Func<Stream<int>, Stream<int>> sieve = null;
sieve = source => new Stream<int>(source.Head,
() => Sieve(source.Tail.Filter(n => n % source.Head != 0)));
sieve(Stream.Range(2)).Take(10).Print("First 10 primes");
static Stream<int> SieveReadable(Stream<int> source)
return new Stream<int>(source.Head,
() => SieveReadable(source.Tail.Filter(n => n % source.Head != 0)));
SieveReadable(Stream.Range(2)).Take(10).Print("First 10 primes - alternative");
Take some time to figure out what sieve
and SieveReadable
functions do. Most programmers find it hard to understand unless they have a functional programming background, so don't feel bad if you don't get it immediately. Here's a hint: Try to find what the head of the printed stream will be. And then try to find what the second element of the stream will be (the head of the tail); then the third element, and so forth. The name of the function may also help you.
If you really can't figure out what it does, just run it and see for yourself! It'll be easier to figure out what it does it then.
Another famous usage for streams is Fibonacci.
Func<int, int, Stream<int>> fibonacci = null;
fibonacci = (h, n) => new Stream<int>(h, () => fibonacci(n, h + n));
fibonacci(1, 1).Print("First 20 Fibonacci");
Streams aren't in fact a new idea at all. Many functional languages support them. The name 'stream' is used in Scheme, a LISP dialect that supports these features. Haskell also supports infinite lists. The names 'take', 'tail', 'head', 'map' and 'filter' are all used in Haskell. A different but similar concept also exists in Python and in many other languages; these are called "generators".
Many of the examples and ideas come from the book [Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs] ( If you like the ideas here, it comes highly recommended; it's available online for free. It was the original inspiration for building this library.
- [C# Infinite Streams] ( - stream library implements [Null Object pattern] (
- [Lazy Lists in C#] ( - streams as IEnumerable
- [Scala Infinite Streams in C#] (
- [Digging deeper into C# Lazy Lists] (
- [More on laziness in C#] ( - streams implemented as a pair of value and thunk