teamProjectOne - Week 4
In this project, we aim to achieve user friendly app for movie search, followed by the theatre near the user using geolocation. As an add-on, we will enhance the app to include a dinner search.
- TheMovieDB API
- International Showtime API
- Google Maps API
- Zomato API for restaurant search
- Bootstap
- Pure
- Javascript
- JQuery
As an user, he/she will see an attractive front page to assist him/her with a movie submission form. The search terms are "Movie Title". The user input the search term to generate result.
Upon submission, it calls out a page showing the movie release date, plot/overview, poster and trailer. User will see the details in a neat and structured layout showing the details to help him with the decision - "Should I watch this movie?".
User decides to watch the movie by submitting a button to call for movie theater near him/her. A modal box will appear for the user if the movie is showing not in theatre. User can also choose to have a button to choose a result that allows current location capture or self input zipcode to select the movie theatre near him/her.
This page shows the theater currently showing the movie near him/her. It will show a google embed map view.
A button will allow user to call up restuarants near him/her. This brings a nice closure to the user. A glass of wine to celebrate for a successful planning.
Eric to design View 1 for the movie search
Annie to do AJAX for the TMDB APIL for movie details
Arthur to design View 2 for the container displaying movie details
Arthur to design View 3 & 4 for movie theatre and restaurants results
John to do AJAX for the ShowTime APL for movie theatre by geolocation
John to do GoogleMap API to embed in the HTML
Annie & John to do Zomato for restaurants by geolocation after user select theatre
As a team, we will add the pieces together to create a single app.