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Дар'я Харлан edited this page Dec 28, 2022 · 7 revisions

Supported versions: MongoDB 3.0+

Source config

  • Connection string - database connection string e.g. mongodb://mongo:27017
  • Username
  • Password
  • Authentication Source - for delegated authentication, specify an alternate database name. Leave blank for normal authentication
  • Database
  • Collection
  • Offset type - OBJECTID, STRING or DATE. Default - OBJECTID
  • Initial offset - Number of days ago or specific date (format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss) when to start pulling data from (default 3 days ago).
  • Offset field - default _id
  • Batch size - how many records to send to further pipeline stages. Default - 1000 records
  • Max batch wait time (seconds) - how much time to wait until the batch reaches its size. Default - 5 seconds


> agent source create
Choose source (mongo, kafka, influx): mongo
Enter unique name for this source config: mongo_test
Connection string: mongodb://mongo:27017
Username []:
Password []:
Authentication Source []:
Database: test
Collection: transactions
Is collection capped [False]:
Initial offset: 0
Offset field [_id]:
Batch size [1000]:
Max batch wait time (seconds) [5]:
Source config created

Source file config

Property Type Description
type String Specify source type. Value - influx
name String Unique source name - also the config filename
config Object Source configuration

All properties are required

config object properties:

Property Type Required Description
configBean.mongoConfig.connectionString String yes database connection string e.g. mongodb://mongo:27017
configBean.mongoConfig.username String no username
configBean.mongoConfig.password String no password
configBean.mongoConfig.authSource String no for delegated authentication, specify alternate database name. Leave blank for normal authentication
configBean.mongoConfig.database String yes database
configBean.mongoConfig.collection String yes Collection
configBean.offsetType String no OBJECTID, STRING or DATE. Default - OBJECTID
configBean.initialOffset String no Amount of days ago or specific date (format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss) when to start pulling data from (default 3 days ago)
configBean.offsetField String no default _id
configBean.batchSize String no how many records to send to further pipeline stages. Default - 1000 records
configBean.maxBatchWaitTime String no how many time to wait until batch will reach it's size. Default - 5 seconds


    "type": "mongo",
    "name": "test_mongo_1",
    "config": {
      "configBean.mongoConfig.connectionString": "mongodb://mongo:27017",
      "configBean.mongoConfig.database": "test",
      "configBean.mongoConfig.collection": "adtech",
      "configBean.mongoConfig.username": "root",
      "configBean.mongoConfig.password": "root",
      "configBean.mongoConfig.authSource": "admin"

Pipeline config

Pipeline config

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