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Anovos Docs

This is the repository for Anovos' documentation.

The docs are built using mkdocs using the mkdocs-material theme and deployed to

Contributing to the Anovos Docs

Setting up

To get started, first clone the repository:

git clone

Then, enter the newly created anovos-docs folder and install mkdocs and the other dependencies by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To build and serve the docs locally, run:

mkdocs serve

If you're a regular contributor, we recommend to install the development requirements and use the pre-commit hooks:

pip install -r dev_requirements.txt
pre-commit install

Editing the docs

Simply edit the Markdown files or add new ones. If you added a new file and would like it to show up in the navigation bar, don't forget to add it to the nav section in mkdocs.yml.

Once you're done, commit your changes, push them to a new branch and open a Pull Request so that they can be reviewed.

Adding Images

All images for the site are stored in the docs/assets. Upload your images in this folder, then put those images in the correct pages using Markdown:


Merging and Deploying

Once your changes have been committed and pushed to the repo, create a detailed Pull Request (PR) for review. A maintainer from the repo will review the changes and merge your PR.

The Anovos Docs repo has a GitHub Action that automatically deploys the updates to the website.

Updating the API documentation

The API documentation is automatically generated. There is a GitHub Action workflow that can be triggered to run manually. It fetches the current version of the library, generates the API docs and opens a PR that can be reviewed and merged just as any other contribution to the docs.