Build a site similar to a private Eventbrite which allows users to create events and then manage user signups. Users can create events and send invitations and parties (sound familiar?). Events take place at a specific date and at a location (which you can just store as a string, like “Andy’s House”).
- Sign-up / login / logout.
- Show profile page
- Create / update / delete event.
- Has many events.
- Create / update / delete.
- Event filtered by upcoming and past events
- Belongs to a User.
- User can attend/leave event
- All created events by a user are automatically attended by the user
- Belongs to a User
- Belongs to a Event
To get started with the app, clone the repo and then install the needed gems:
$ bundle install --without production
Next, migrate the database:
$ rails db:migrate
You are ready to run the app in a local server:
$ rails server