Evaluation System is a full featured production ready electronic testing system which provides a platform for teachers to conduct online tests efficiently. The system has been built with multiple optimizations and measures to amplify the performance while reducing the scope for malpractices. The various features available for teachers are:
- Create a New Test
- The test can have fill in the blanks, multiple choice or descriptive questions
- Define the duration of test
- Assign the test to a specific lab
- Edit the questions designed for the test
- Make an existing test active or inactive for students to attempt
- Delete an existing test
- Monitoring the current status of students
- The teacher can remotely see whether a student is logged in or not
- The teacher can remotely monitor whether a student is answering a test or not
- Evaluating Student Performance
- The scores for Multiple Choice and Fill in the blank questions are computed automatically
- The teacher can manually score and evaluate descriptive type questions
The Features available for students are:
- Answer The test
- Switch/Jump between questions
- Draw Diagram for descriptive questions
- Mark/Clear answers for multiple choice questions
- Timer to keep track of duration left
- Option to submit test before completion, in case someone wants to submit early
- View previous results
- Filter and sort the results by class name and date/time
- Export results as PDF or CSV file
The application makes heavy use of the following frameworks and Database tools. The detailed use of each application is defined in subsequent sections.
Kindly refer to the following video for details on how to use this application.
For more examples, please refer to the Documentation
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Your Name - Abhinav Agarwal - abhina2[at]uw.edu
Project Link: https://github.com/anshabhi/evaluation-system