A home inventory application with GUI that lets users record furniture, appliances, or any items at home with functionalities for adding items, deleting items, and searching items by their name, brand, or dimensions. Operations to add or search items are reinforced with input validation, the program will remmind user of common errors such as blank entry, or non-numeric values for dimensions, before allowing to proceed with the operation.
- Python
- Pandas
- Tkinter/Customtkinter/Tktooltip
- Webbrowser
Home page shows all available search types and a description to the program
Inventory page shows all inputted entries
Quick search yields result from 3 common preset locations for convenient searching
Basic search function for searching items by name or brand
Advanced search function for searcheing items by dimensions, yields all items with dimensions less than or equal to the inputted length/depth/height
Add an item into the inventory