A simple game where the player needs to guess the correct "Phrase" before the player's 5 Lives run out.
Unit 4 Project for the purposes of completing the Team Treehouse Techdegree Full Stack Javascript Course.
This game was developed using Java Script object-oriented programming principles.
The main objective of this game is to guess the hidden phrase.
This game includes 5 different phrases that need to be 'guessed' by the user. Each phrase is randomised every time the game is reset.
The user can input via two different methods:
- On Screen Keyboard
- Physical Keyboard
To start the game, the user simply needs to press the 'Start Game' Button or press the 'Enter' Key on their physical keyboard.
The user has 5 lives/guesses to complete the phrase before it's game over.
Styling changes include:
- Main Font Family changed to 'Courier'
- H2 (Phrase Hunter) heading changed to 'Impact' and 'jackInTheBox' animation added
- When a letter is correctly guessed, the show background color was changed to green (#94d54a) instead of the default blue
Note: Site is not optimised for mobile devices.