Interface of, useful for finding free rooms or schedule by studyplan.
Room Availability: Find available rooms based on selected date and time ranges. The system displays rooms that are not booked during the specified time slots.
Retrieve Course Information: Easily find detailed information about a specific course by providing its code. The system retrieves details such as the course's semester, assigned teachers, and schedules.
Explore Study Plans: Explore study plans using their unique study plan ID. The application showcases an interactive and organized timetable that covers the entire semester, highlighting courses, schedules, and room bookings.
The backend repository can be found here
The frontend repository can be found here
The current repository is for the scraper, which is a set of Python scripts that interacts with MongoDB, using GitHub CI/CD for cron jobs.
To install the dependencies run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
And then set the environnement variables for the DB in .env
Before each start of a semester, the DB needs to update the studyplans and courses details.
To do so you, or a cron job, can run the script:
Since can change a lot during the first weeks for lots of reasons, the schedules needs to be updated accordingly.
To do so you, or a cron job, can run the script:
It will find the current or next semester and then proceed to scrape its courses schedules and update them accordingly.
EVENT_BOOKING }o--|| EVENT_SCHEDULE : "is for (if meeting-related)"
COURSE_BOOKING }o--|| ROOM : "occupies"
COURSE_BOOKING }o--|| COURSE_SCHEDULE : "is for (if course-related)"
EVENT_BOOKING }o--|| ROOM : "occupies"
TEACHER }o--o{ COURSE: "teach in"
COURSE ||--o{ PLANNED_IN : "is included in"
STUDYPLAN ||--o{ PLANNED_IN : "consists of"
STUDYPLAN }o--|| SEMESTER : "runs during"
UNIT ||--o{ STUDYPLAN : "is composed of"
int schedule_id FK
int room_id FK
bool available
int role_id FK
string name
date start_datetime
date end_datetime
string type
string description
bool available
bool visible
int status
string name
string capacity
string type
bool available
int course_id FK
date start_datetime
date end_datetime
string type
bool available
string code
string name
int credits
string edu_url
bool available
string name
string type
date start_date
date end_date
bool available
string name
string code
string promo
string section
bool available
string name
string people_url
bool available
int schedule_id FK
int room_id FK
bool available
Pull requests are welcome 😄