This package implements the KSDAgg test for goodness-of-fit testing, as proposed in our paper KSD Aggregated Goodness-of-fit Test. The experiments of the paper can be reproduced using the ksdagg-paper repository. The package contains implementations both in Numpy and in Jax, we recommend using the Jax version as it runs more than 500 times faster after compilation (results from the notebook demo_speed.ipynb in the ksdagg-paper repository). The notebook also contains a demo showing how to use our KSDAgg test. We also provide installation instructions and example code below.
Speed in ms | Numpy (CPU) | Jax (CPU) | Jax (GPU) |
KSDAgg | 12500 | 1470 | 22 |
The requirements for the Numpy version are:
python 3.9
The requirements for the Jax version are:
python 3.9
First, we recommend creating a conda environment:
conda create --name ksdagg-env python=3.9
conda activate ksdagg-env
# can be deactivated by running:
# conda deactivate
We then install the required depedencies by running either:
- for GPU:
conda install -c conda-forge -c nvidia pip numpy scipy cuda-nvcc "jaxlib=0.4.1=*cuda*" jax
- or, for CPU:
conda install -c conda-forge -c nvidia pip numpy scipy cuda-nvcc jaxlib=0.4.1 jax
Our ksdagg
package can then be installed as follows:
pip install git+
Goodness-of-fit testing: Given arrays X and score_X both of shape ksdagg(X, Y)
returns 0 if the samples X are believed to have been drawn from the density
Jax compilation: The first time the function is evaluated, Jax compiles it. After compilation, it can fastly be evaluated at any other X and score_X of the same shape. If the function is given arrays with new shapes, the function is compiled again. For details, check out the demo_speed.ipynb notebook in the ksdagg-paper repository.
# import modules
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import jax.numpy as jnp
>>> from ksdagg import ksdagg, human_readable_dict # jax version
>>> # from import ksdagg
# generate data for goodness-of-fit test
>>> perturbation = 0.5
>>> rs = np.random.RandomState(0)
>>> X = rs.gamma(5 + perturbation, 5, (500, 1))
>>> score_gamma = lambda x, k, theta : (k - 1) / x - 1 / theta
>>> score_X = score_gamma(X, 5, 5)
>>> X = jnp.array(X)
>>> score_X = jnp.array(score_X)
# run KSDAggInc test
>>> output = ksdagg(X, score_X)
>>> output
Array(1, dtype=int32)
>>> output.item()
>>> output, dictionary = ksdagg(X, score_X, return_dictionary=True)
>>> output
Array(1, dtype=int32)
>>> human_readable_dict(dictionary)
>>> dictionary
{'KSDAgg test reject': True,
'Single test 1': {'Bandwidth': 1.0,
'KSD': 5.788900671177544e-05,
'KSD quantile': 0.0009193826699629426,
'Kernel IMQ': True,
'Reject': False,
'p-value': 0.41079461574554443,
'p-value threshold': 0.01699146442115307},
For a computationally efficient version of KSDAgg which can run in linear time, check out our package agginc
in the agginc repository.
This package implements the KSDAggInc test (together with MMDAggInc and HISCAggInc) proposed in our paper Efficient Aggregated Kernel Tests using Incomplete U-statistics with reproducible experiments in the agginc-paper repository.
If you have any issues running our KSDAgg test, please do not hesitate to contact Antonin Schrab.
Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Department of Computer Science, University College London
Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London
Inria London
author = {Antonin Schrab and Benjamin Guedj and Arthur Gretton},
title = {KSD Aggregated Goodness-of-fit Test},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35: Annual Conference
on Neural Information Processing Systems 2022, NeurIPS 2022},
editor = {Alice H. Oh and Alekh Agarwal and Danielle Belgrave and Kyunghyun Cho},
year = {2022},
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