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This program takes candidates from an admin interface, and places them in a persistant store. Students can vote on candidates by entering a voting-code, and use a preferential system to vote.

Once the votes have been cast (or at any time for that matter), a BLT file can be downloaded.




The server provides a JSON API, over which Angular is placed.


An rspec test suite exists for the API which can be invoked from the repository root:

RACK_ENV=test rspec spec/server_spec.rb

API Definition


All admin type endpoints require an authentication token. This is given in the query string as token. The value of this token is set in the environment variable AUTH_TOKEN.

If the system is locked, an offending post request will be responded to with a 403.

Vote lock

The system can be in one of two states. Either preparation, or voting. In the preparation state, candidates and elections can be modified, but voting cannot occur (voting tokens are not given). In the voting state, candidates and elections cannot be modified, but votes can be cast.

This provides two endpoints:

GET /admin/votelock
POST /admin/votelock

It accepts the followed schema:

  "state": one of either "voting (default)" or "editing"


Two endpoints are given for candidates:

GET /admin/candidates
POST /admin/candidates

The first retrieves the list of candidates in the system, and the second updates that list.

The following JSON schema is adopted:

    "id": "Candidate uID",
    "elections": ["genrep", "president", ...],
    "name": "Candidate name"


Similar to candidates, two endpoints are given:

GET /admin/elections
POST /admin/elections

The following JSON schema is adopted:

    "name": "president",
    "positions": 1
    "name": "secretary",
    "positions": 1
    "name": "genrep",
    "positions": 5

All of the names should consist of only characters [A-z] for the sake of simplicity. Positions refers to the number of people that can run for it.

Voting codes

Three endpoints are given:

GET /admin/votingcodes
GET /admin/votingcodes/more
POST /admin/votingcodes

The first retrieves the set of codes in the system, the second retries more codes, and the third modifies the set in the system.

Please note that unlike in the top two examples, voting codes cannot be deleted.

The following JSON schema is adopted:

    "code": "unique six-char code",
    "used": true/false,
    "new": true/false

Each code is six characters long. The used value refers to whether or not the code has been used to vote yet. The new value is used to tell whether or not the code has been handed out to someone.

Ballot files

One endpoint is given:

GET /admin/votes.blt

Each election is separated by two new lines.


This section is primarily concerned with having users vote on people.

The public interface initially shows a dialog that allows you to enter a voting code, after which you are taken to a page with all of the elections that allows you to vote. At the bottom is a big "vote" button. Once this is clicked, you can't change anything.

On the server side, once the voting code is entered, a token is generated and sent back to the client, and the voting code is marked as used. This token allows the user to submit their votes, and is linked to the voting code.

Voting Code

Only has one endpoint:

POST /votingcode

The following JSON schema is adopted:

  "votingcode": "unique six-char code"

A token is returned if successful:

  "token": "token string"

If the voting code has been used or doesn't exist, a 404 is returned.


One endpoint:

GET /elections

Returns the following JSON schema:

    "election": "e.g. president",
    "positions": "integer",
    "candidates": [
        "name": "candidate name",
        "id": "candidate uid"


Only has one endpoint:

POST /votes?token=...

Where the token parameter was given by /votingcode.

Accepts the following schema:

    "election": "e.g. president",
    "votes": [
        "id": "candidate id",
        "rank": "e.g. 1,2,3"

Redis Summary

System state

votelock        # string; what state the system is in


candidate:uID   # hash;  fields: name
candidates      # set;   list of all candidates
elections:uID   # set;   elections candidate is in


elections       # set;   names of elections
election:name   # hash;  fields: positions --> (integer),
                                 candidate id --> numbers (1, 2, 3),
                                 candidates --> (integer)


votingcodes     # set;   list of all codes
votingcode:id   # hash;  fields: code (string), token (string),
                                 used (boolean), new (boolean)
tokens          # set;   set of all valid tokens
votingcode_increment # integer;


votes:election  # list;  list of votes a for an election
                         (i.e. "1 3 4 2", "2 3 4 1")
                         [0] is the first candidate


cache:votes.blt  # string;


Generic preferential voting system.






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