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Etherum DApp using truffle IDE:

-To create the template for DApp: Inside the project folder: truffle init (can also be created using Truffle Box ) Directory structure: contracts/ : contains solidity files for our smart contracts .Migration.sol is present by default

migrations/: to handle smart contracts deployment . An additional smart contracts that keep track of changes.

test/: both javascript and solidity tests for smart contracts 

truffle-config.js : truffle configuration file 

-Compiling contracts: Change to the root directory where the project is located and type the following in the terminal : truffle compile Artifacts of your compilation will be placed in the build/contracts/ directory (This directory will be created if it does not exist.)

-Running Migrations: To run migrations, run : $ truffle migrate

-Truffle develop : To launch Truffle develop: truffle develop Develop blockchain locally on port 9545 by default with ten accounts

-Testing : To test various test conditon : truffle test

Error encountered: -"truffle cannot destructure property 'body' of 'undefined' as it is undefined" due to bug in newer version of truffle error sloved by degrading truffle version to 5.1.10


Etherum Pet shop -First Dapp






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