This project was to explore and analyze weather data from Hawai'i. The first step was exploring the datasets in a Jupyter notebook to better understand the data and answer some basic questions. I used SQLAlchemy to access the data from the provided SQLLite database and create dataframes using Pandas.
Matplotlib was used to visualize the data:
Then, I created a Flask server to return JSON data from a variety of API endpoints.
The first returns all of the precipitation data collected by the weather stations in the dataset:
The second returns the name and ID of each station:
The third queries the dates and temperature observations of the most active station for the previous year of data:
Lastly, there are two endpoints that return the minimum, average, and maximum temperatures for a given start or start-end range:
In this analysis, I wanter to see if Hawai'i has mild weather year round. I did this by determining if there is a statistically meaningful difference between the temperatures in June and December. I used an unpaird t-test to compare the the means of temperature data from June and December and determined that there is a statistically significant difference between the two:
In this analysis, I looked at historical temperature and precipitation data for August 1 to August 7 to determine if this would be an ideal time to take a trip to Hawai'i. Matplotlib was used to visualize the results:
Guide to repo contents:
directory contains source dataclimate.ipynb
contains climate analysis (based off of starter notebook given in the assignment)
is Climate App using flasktemp_analysis_1.ipynb
are Jupyter Notebooks based off starter notebooks given in the assignment for the two bonus questions