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Test Driven Development with ReactJs

Dependency Status


  • NodeJs
  • npm


Test Runner

  • Mocha: it's the top-level tool responsible for finding and loading test files, trnaspiling them, and running the test code itself: the describe and it blocks that compose the tests.

  • Chai: is the assertion library. It supplies the expect and assert calls we'll use in the tests to verify everything is working correctly. web

  • Sinon: is a library for creating and inspecting spies. Spies let you mock and stub pieces of functionality in order to keep the tests focused on the component under test. web

  • Enzyme: is a library for rendering and making assertions on React components. web

Testing workflow

  1. Run mocha at the command line, wit some arguments.
  2. Mocha finds the test files and transpiles them.
  3. Mocha executes the tests, which are writeen in Javascript (EcmaScript 6).
  4. Each test will import enzyme and chai, then use them to render components and make assertions.

Getting started

  1. Install module dependencies with npm install
  2. Install Quik npm i -g quik
  3. Install Mocha npm i -g mocha
  4. To run your test, simply type npm test
  5. Run npm start to start the app.