This is a dump of what I had before someone found the solution
note: I worked more after on the AES to understand why is the only place I can get a valid response. I also tried to find "peuple"
and "combat"
in the barcode still can't :/
All this code is bad don't judge
For AES the closes I can get is with this:
echo 'mq+cC6Ax2+8R8LAnEWgQnA==' | openssl base64 -d | openssl aes-128-cbc -d -iv 313233343536373862307a323334356e -K 3033303132303039
This was a hunt for 12 words hidden in this image
- 2 found as base64
["conduire", "triomphe"]
- 2 found as aes
["horizon", "jaune"]
- 2 found as cesar
["union", "citoyen"]
- 6 found in base6 barcodes
["banquier", "usure", "mensonge", "peuple", "combat", "espoir"]