I'm Anton Ohorodnyk, a Software Engineer by trade. Here's a quick rundown about me:
- I've been navigating the software engineering seas since 2005.
- Occasionally, you'll find me penning thoughts on my blog.
- My journey with social media has been a rocky one, with the exception of my time on Jabber and IRC. However, I'm looking forward to reintegrating into the tech-savvy world through Mastodon.
- I'm an active contributor to various open-source projects, with most of my contributions proudly displayed here on GitHub.
- I am an advocate for minimalism and simplicity, reflected clearly in my coding style and designs.
- I'm an enthusiast of Golang, backend development, databases, distributed systems, and Web Technologies.
- I greatly enjoy collaborating with others, so don't hesitate to connect with me through any available channel.
I prefer to keep information consistent, so the best way to find all the ways to reach me is through my website.