validating and mutating webhook to manage the Kubernetes Services Cluster IPs
The admin defines the IP Ranges objects with the subnets, the Services ClusterIPs will be assigned from this IP ranges.
Currently, it only supports one IPRange per IPFamily with the same value defined in the apiserver
- Move Service IP Range configuration out of the apiserver
- Allow to use multiples IPranges
- Modify Services to reference IPRange Object
When an user creates a Kubernetes Service of Type ClusterIP, NodePort or LoadBalancer, it can specify the ClusterIP or the apiserver will allocate one free.
If the ClusterIP is set by the user, the webhook validates it belongs to the range and is free
If the ClusterIP is not set, the webhook assigns one free from the range
The ClusterIP is inmutable after creation, but when the Service Type changes
When a Service is Deleted, the controller will deallocate the ClusterIP assigned from the IPRange object once the Service Delete event is received (Not when the Delete request is seen)