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brace is a simple template language written in PHP. Brace uses a handlebar style syntax.

  • Requirements
  • Installation
    • Via composer
    • Or Including the brace class
  • Usage
    • Returning processes templates as a string
    • Compiling to an external file
    • Instance variables
  • Template Reference
    • Variables
      • In-line "or" operator
      • Multiple In-line "or" operators
      • Return variable values by an array index value
    • Iterators
      • In-line Iterators
    • Nth children
    • Row keys
    • Iteration data variables
    • Loops
      • Increasing
      • Decreasing
    • Loop data variables
    • Conditional Statements
      • Condition Blocks
    • Else If Statements
      • In-line conditions
      • Conditions
    • Including Templates
    • Shortcodes
      • PHP Implementation Example
      • Content Template
    • Array Counting
      • Display Count:
      • Check Count
    • Comment Blocks
      • In-line Comment Block
      • Multiple Line Comment Block
    • Clearing cached process string
    • Running Tests


Brace requires PHP version 8.1 or later.


Via composer

composer require alexoliverwd/brace

Or Including the brace class

/** Include brace */
include __DIR__.'/src/brace.php';



/** New brace instance */
$brace = new Brace\Parser();

/** Set instance variables (Optional) */
$brace->remove_comment_blocks = false;
$brace->template_path = __DIR__.'/';
$brace->template_ext = 'tpl';

/** Process template and echo out */
    'name' => [
        'first' => 'John',
        'last' => 'Doe'

Returning processes templates as a string


/** New brace instance */
$brace = new Brace\Parser();

/** Process template and return string */
$template_string = $brace->Parse('example',[
    'name' => [
        'first' => 'John',
        'last' => 'Doe'
], false)->return();

Compiling to an external file


/** New brace instance */
$brace = new Brace\Parser();

/** Process template and compile to external file */
$brace->compile('example', 'example.html', [
    'name' => [
        'first' => 'John',
        'last' => 'Doe'

Instance variables

Variable Description Default value
remove_comment_blocks Keep or remove comment blocks from templates [Boolean] true
template_path Set directory to load template files from [String] Current working directory
template_ext Template file extension [String] tpl

Template Reference



/** New brace instance */
$brace = new Brace\Parser();

/** Process template and echo out */
    'firstname' => 'John Doe'

In-line "or" operator

<p>{{firstname || "No first name found"}}</p>

Multiple In-line "or" operators

<p>{{firstname || fname || "No first name found"}}</p>

Return variable values by an array index value

<p>Hi {{names->?first[Jane]->title}} {{names->?first[Jane]->last}}</p>
/** New brace instance */
$brace = new Brace\Parser();

/** Process template and echo out */
    'names' => [
        0 => [
            'title' => 'Mr',
            'first' => 'John',
            'last' => 'Smith'
        1 => [
            'title' => 'Miss',
            'first' => 'Jane',
            'last' => 'Doe'
        2 => [
            'title' => 'Dr',
            'first' => 'David',
            'last' => 'Jones'


<p>Hi Miss Doe</p>



/** New brace instance */
$brace = new Brace\Parser();

/** Process template and echo out */
    'products' => [
        0 => [
            'title' => 'Product 1',
            'price' => 22.99,
            'stock' => 15,
            'categories' => ['Textile','Cloths']
        1 => [
            'title' => 'Product 2',
            'price' => 10.00,
            'stock' => 62,
            'categories' => ['Electronics','PC','Hardware']
        2 => [
            'title' => 'Product 3',
            'price' => 89.98,
            'stock' => 120,
            'categories' => ['PC Game']
{{each products}}
{{each products as product}}
        {{each product->categories as category}}

/** New brace instance */
$brace = new Brace\Parser();

/** Process template and echo out */
    'names' => ['John','Steve','Bert']
{{each names as name}}

In-line Iterators


/** New brace instance */
$brace = new Brace\Parser();

/** Process template and echo out */
    'names' => ['John','Steve','Bert']
    {{names as name "<li>__name__</li>"}}


    {{names as key value "<li data-key="__key__">__value__</li>"}}

Nth children


/** New brace instance */
$brace = new Brace\Parser();

/** Process template and echo out */
    'names' => ['John','Steve','Bert','Fred','Cindy']
<!-- Is first item -->
{{each names as name}}
    <span{{_ITERATION === "is_first_item" ? " class=\"is_first\""}}>{{name}}</span>

<!-- Is last item -->
{{each names as name}}
    <span{{_ITERATION === "is_last_item" ? " class=\"is_last\""}}>{{name}}</span>

<!-- Is second item -->
{{each names as name}}
    <span{{_ITERATION == 2 ? " class=\"is_second_item\""}}>{{name}}</span>

Row keys


/** New brace instance */
$brace = new Brace\Parser();

/** Process template and echo out */
    'names' => [
        'name_1' => 'Dave',
        'name_2' => 'John',
        'name_3' => 'Barry'
{{each names as name}}
    <span data-key="{{_KEY}}">{{name}}</span>


{{each names as key value}}
    <span data-key="{{key}}">{{value}}</span>

Iteration data variables

Variables that are added to each iteration.

ID Description Type
_ITERATION Iteration value (is_first_item, is_last_item, 2, 3 etc) String
_ROW_ID Record/Row ID (1,2,3, etc) Integer
_KEY Record/Row key Mixed
GLOBAL An array of external record data that is accessible to all rows Array



/** New brace instance */
$brace = new Brace\Parser();

/** Process template and echo out */
{{loop 3}}


{{loop 1 to 3}}


{{loop 3 to 1}}

Loop data variables

Variables that are added to each iteration.

ID Description Type
_KEY Row key Integer

Conditional Statements

Condition Blocks


/** New brace instance */
$brace = new Brace\Parser();

/** Process template and echo out */
    'first_name' => 'John',
    'last_name' => 'Doe'
{{if first_name EXISTS}}
    <p>Hello {{first_name}}</p>
{{if first_name EXISTS && first_name == "John"}}
    <p>My first name is {{first_name}}</p>
    <p>Please enter your first name</p>

Else If Statements


/** New brace instance */
$brace = new Brace\Parser();

/** Process template and echo out */
    'names' => ['John','Steve','Bert','Fred','Cindy']
{{each names as name}}
    {{if _ITERATION === "is_first_item"}}
        <span class="first_item" data-rowid="{{_ROW_ID}}">{{name}}</span>
    {{elseif _ITERATION === "is_last_item"}}
        <span class="last_item" data-rowid="{{_ROW_ID}}">{{name}}</span>
    {{elseif _ITERATION == 2}}
        <span class="second_item" data-rowid="{{_ROW_ID}}">{{name}}</span>
        <span data-rowid="{{_ROW_ID}}">{{name}}</span>

In-line conditions

<p>{{first_name !== "test" ? "__first_name__" : "is test"}}</p>
<p>{{first_name EXISTS ? "__first_name__" : "is test"}}</p>
<p>{{first_name EXISTS ? "my first name is __first_name__"}}</p>

Escaping quotations

<p>{{first_name !== "test" ? "Name is \"__first_name__\"" : "is test"}}</p>
Name is "John"


Condition Description
== Is equal to (Loose equality comparison)
=== Is equal to (Strict equality comparison)
>= More than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
> More than
< Less than
!= Is not equal (Loose non equality comparison)
!! Is not
!== Is not equal (Same as !! operator, strict non equality comparison
!EXISTS Does not exist

Including Templates

[@include sections/footer]
[@include header footer]
[@include {{section}}]


PHP Implementation Example


/** New brace parser */
$brace = new Brace\Parser();

/** Return HTML link */
$button_function = function ($attributes){
    return '<a href="'.$attributes['url'].'" alt="'.$attributes['alt'].'" target="'.$attributes['target'].'" rel="noreferrer noopener">'.$attributes['title'].'</a>';

/** Register shortcode */
$brace->regShortcode('button', 'button_function');

/** Process content template */
$brace->Parse('content', []);

Content Template

<!-- Button shortcode -->
[button title="Hello world" url="" alt="Hello world button" target="_blank"]

Array Counting

Ability to check and display array item counts

Display Count:

<p>Total items is: {{COUNT(items)}}</p>
Total items is: 3

Check Count

{{if COUNT(items) == 3}}
<p>There are three items</p>
There are three items

Comment Blocks

In-line Comment Block

<!-- Inline comment block -->

Multiple Line Comment Block

    Comment block over multiple lines

Clearing cached process string

The --clear-- method is useful when needing to processes multiple templates with differing data using the same brace instance.

By default brace does not clear a processed string at the end of executing a template/string parse.


// Init brace
$brace = new Brace\Parser();
$brace->template_path = __DIR__.'/';

// Process first template
    'name' => [
      'first' => 'John',
      'last' => 'Doe'

// Process second template using the same brace instance
    'name' => [
      'first' => 'Dave',
      'last' => 'Smith'

Running Tests

Running PHPStan and PHPUnit tests can be achieved with the following commands

./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -c phpstan.neon
./vendor/bin/phpunit -c ./tests/phpunit.xml

Or by running via composer composer test