- 🚀 I like to write articles related to technology, geopolitics, bussiness and more
- 🌳 Always learning tech & personal development topics as filosofy 🤓
- 👯 I like to colaborate with others
- 🗣 As much as i like tech, I also enjoy interacting with people
- 🤘🏻 Favorite music artist "Alfa Mist"
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love dancing Timba 💃🏻🕺🏻
- [¿Quién esta detrás de la creación del internet?] (https://blog.ariolvera.com/2021/1_DARPA)
- [A.M. Turing] (https://blog.ariolvera.com/2021/2_AMTuring)
- [Quiero aprender a programar 🤓] (https://blog.ariolvera.com/2021/3_quieroProgramar)
- [Línea de comandos 🖥] (https://blog.ariolvera.com/2021/4_linea_de_comandos)
- [Microsoft el gigante discreto] (https://blog.ariolvera.com/2021/5_microsoft_el_gigante_discreto)