a small shellscript to get the vendor from a MAC adress and convert it into several formats that might be useful for a network engineer
get the vedor OUI database from IEEE with updateoui.sh first! if you want to get the vendor
$ ./hackmac.sh 00:1b:63:84:45:e6
ormalized MAC: 00-1B-63-84-45-E6
Vendor 00-1B-63
00-1B-63 (hex) Apple, Inc.
001B63 (base 16) Apple, Inc.
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino CA 95014
1) 00-1B-63-84-45-E6
2) 00.1B.63.84.45.E6
3) 00:1B:63:84:45:E6
4) 001b-6384-45e6
5) 001b.6384.45e6
6) 001b:6384:45e6
7) 001B63-8445E6
8) 001B63.8445E6
9) 001B63:8445E6
EUI64 SLAAC IPv6 IP: fe80::21b:63ff:fe84:45e6