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Releases: apache/skywalking-java


25 Jul 14:46
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v9.2.0...v9.3.0


31 Mar 13:39
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What's Changed

  • Release 9.1 and begin 9.2.0 by @wu-sheng in #652
  • Fix missing command in the docker release by @wu-sheng in #653
  • Bump up bundled CLI by @wu-sheng in #654
  • Remove dead links by @wu-sheng in #655
  • Fix NoSuchMethodError in mvc-annotation-commons&change deprecated method by @CzyerChen in #658
  • Support forkjoinpool plugin in JDK11 by @786991884 in #656
  • Support for tracing webflux-6.x and gateway-4.x by @CzyerChen in #661
  • Fix re-transform bug when enhanced class proxy parent method by @kylixs in #659
  • Success Rate is Incorrect with Vert.x by @BFergerson in #662
  • Update NOTICE year to 2024 by @wu-sheng in #663
  • add support for HttpExchange along with webflux-webclient-6.x by @CzyerChen in #664
  • Support tracing for async producing, batch sync consuming, and batch async consuming in rocketMQ-client-java-5.x-plugin by @CzyerChen in #665
  • Convert the Redisson lock span into an async span by @peachisai in #667
  • Rename system env name sw_plugin_kafka_producer_config to SW_PLUGIN_KAFKA_PRODUCER_CONFIG by @wu-sheng in #668
  • Fix words by @wu-sheng in #669
  • Support for ActiveMQ-Artemis messaging tracing. by @CzyerChen in #670
  • Archive the expired plugins impala-jdbc-2.6.x-plugin. by @wu-sheng in #673
  • Fix duplicate traceId when use forward scheme in properties by @cylx3126 in #672
  • Fix not tracing in HttpClient v5 when HttpHost(arg[0]) is null but RoutingSupport#determineHost works. by @cylx3126 in #674
  • Support across thread tracing for SOFA-RPC by @OrezzerO in #675
  • Update Jedis 4.x plugin to support Sharding and Cluster models. by @pg-yang in #677

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v9.1.0...v9.2.0


05 Dec 08:17
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Features and Bug Fixes

  • Fix hbase onConstruct NPE in the file configuration scenario
  • Fix the issue of createSpan failure caused by invalid request URL in HttpClient 4.x/5.x plugin
  • Optimize ElasticSearch 6.x 7.x plugin compatibility
  • Fix an issue with the httpasyncclient component where the isError state is incorrect.
  • Support customization for the length limitation of string configurations
  • Add max length configurations in agent.config file for service_name and instance_name
  • Optimize spring-cloud-gateway 2.1.x, 3.x witness class.
  • Support report MongoDB instance info in Mongodb 4.x plugin.
  • To compatible upper and lower case Oracle TNS url parse.
  • Support collecting ZGC memory pool metrics. Require OAP 9.7.0 to support these new metrics.
  • Upgrade netty-codec-http2 to 4.1.100.Final
  • Add a netty-http 4.1.x plugin to trace HTTP requests.
  • Fix Impala Jdbc URL (including schema without properties) parsing exception.
  • Optimize byte-buddy type description performance.
  • Add eclipse-temurin:21-jre as another base image.
  • Bump byte-buddy to 1.14.9 for JDK21 support.
  • Add JDK21 plugin tests for Spring 6.
  • Bump Lombok to 1.18.30 to adopt JDK21 compiling.
  • Fix PostgreSQL Jdbc URL parsing exception.
  • Bump up grpc version.
  • Optimize plugin selector logic.


  • Fix JDK requirement in the compiling docs.
  • Add JDK21 support in the compiling docs.

All issues and pull requests are here


01 Sep 11:56
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Kernel Updates

  • Support re-transform/hot-swap classes with other java agents, and remove the obsolete cache enhanced class feature.
  • Implement new naming policies for names of auxiliary type, interceptor delegate field, renamed origin method, method
    access name, method cache value field. All names are under sw$ name trait. They are predictable and unchanged after
* SWAuxiliaryTypeNamingStrategy
  Auxiliary type name pattern: <origin_class_name>$<name_trait>$auxiliary$<auxiliary_type_instance_hash>

* DelegateNamingResolver
  Interceptor delegate field name pattern: <name_trait>$delegate$<class_name_hash>$<plugin_define_hash>$<intercept_point_hash>

* SWMethodNameTransformer
  Renamed origin method pattern: <name_trait>$original$<method_name>$<method_description_hash>

* SWImplementationContextFactory
  Method cache value field pattern: cachedValue$<name_trait>$<origin_class_name_hash>$<field_value_hash>
  Accessor method name pattern:  <renamed_origin_method>$accessor$<name_trait>$<origin_class_name_hash>

Here is an example of manipulated enhanced class with new naming policies of auxiliary classes, fields, and methods

 import sample.mybatis.controller.HotelController$sw$auxiliary$19cja42;
 import sample.mybatis.controller.HotelController$sw$auxiliary$p257su0;
 import sample.mybatis.domain.Hotel;
 import sample.mybatis.service.HotelService;

 public class HotelController
 implements EnhancedInstance {
     private HotelService hotelService;
     private volatile Object _$EnhancedClassField_ws;

     // Interceptor delegate fields
     public static volatile /* synthetic */ InstMethodsInter sw$delegate$td03673$ain2do0$8im5jm1;
     public static volatile /* synthetic */ InstMethodsInter sw$delegate$td03673$ain2do0$edkmf61;
     public static volatile /* synthetic */ ConstructorInter sw$delegate$td03673$ain2do0$qs9unv1;
     public static volatile /* synthetic */ InstMethodsInter sw$delegate$td03673$fl4lnk1$m3ia3a2;
     public static volatile /* synthetic */ InstMethodsInter sw$delegate$td03673$fl4lnk1$sufrvp1;
     public static volatile /* synthetic */ ConstructorInter sw$delegate$td03673$fl4lnk1$cteu7s1;

     // Origin method cache value field
     private static final /* synthetic */ Method cachedValue$sw$td03673$g5sobj1;

     public HotelController() {
         sw$delegate$td03673$ain2do0$qs9unv1.intercept(this, new Object[0]);

     private /* synthetic */ HotelController(sw.auxiliary.p257su0 p257su02) {

     public Hotel selectByCityId(@PathVariable(value="cityId") int n) {
         // call interceptor with auxiliary type and parameters and origin method object
         return (Hotel)sw$delegate$td03673$ain2do0$8im5jm1.intercept(this, new Object[]{n}, new HotelController$sw$auxiliary$19cja42(this, n), cachedValue$sw$td03673$g5sobj1);

     // Renamed origin method
     private /* synthetic */ Hotel sw$origin$selectByCityId$a8458p3(int cityId) {
/*22*/         return this.hotelService.selectByCityId(cityId);

     // Accessor of renamed origin method, calling from auxiliary type
     final /* synthetic */ Hotel sw$origin$selectByCityId$a8458p3$accessor$sw$td03673(int n) {
         // Calling renamed origin method
         return this.sw$origin$selectByCityId$a8458p3(n);

     public Object getSkyWalkingDynamicField() {
         return this._$EnhancedClassField_ws;

     public void setSkyWalkingDynamicField(Object object) {
         this._$EnhancedClassField_ws = object;

     static {
         ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().loadClass("").getMethod("initialize", Class.class, Integer.TYPE).invoke(null, HotelController.class, -1072476370);
         // Method object
         cachedValue$sw$td03673$g5sobj1 = HotelController.class.getMethod("selectByCityId", Integer.TYPE);

Auxiliary type of Constructor :

class HotelController$sw$auxiliary$p257su0 {

Auxiliary type of selectByCityId method:

class HotelController$sw$auxiliary$19cja42
implements Runnable,
Callable {
    private HotelController argument0;
    private int argument1;

    public Object call() throws Exception {
        return this.argument0.sw$origin$selectByCityId$a8458p3$accessor$sw$td03673(this.argument1);

    public void run() {

    HotelController$sw$auxiliary$19cja42(HotelController hotelController, int n) {
        this.argument0 = hotelController;
        this.argument1 = n;

Features and Bug Fixes

  • Support Jdk17 ZGC metric collect
  • Support Jetty 11.x plugin
  • Support access to the sky-walking tracer context in spring gateway filter
  • Fix the scenario of using the HBase plugin with spring-data-hadoop.
  • Add RocketMQ 5.x plugin
  • Fix the conflict between the logging kernel and the JDK threadpool plugin.
  • Fix the thread safety bug of finishing operation for the span named "SpringCloudGateway/sendRequest"
  • Fix NPE in guava-eventbus-plugin.
  • Add WebSphere Liberty 23.x plugin
  • Add Plugin to support aerospike Java client
  • Add ClickHouse parsing to the jdbc-common plugin.
  • Support to trace redisson lock
  • Upgrade netty-codec-http2 to 4.1.94.Final
  • Upgrade guava to 32.0.1
  • Fix issue with duplicate enhancement by ThreadPoolExecutor
  • Add plugin to support for RESTeasy 6.x.
  • Fix the conditions for resetting UUID, avoid the same uuid causing the configuration not to be updated.
  • Fix witness class in springmvc-annotation-5.x-plugin to avoid falling into v3 use cases.
  • Fix Jedis-2.x plugin bug and add test for Redis cluster scene
  • Merge two instrumentation classes to avoid duplicate enhancements in MySQL plugins.
  • Support asynchronous invocation in jetty client 9.0 and 9.x plugin
  • Add nacos-client 2.x plugin
  • Staticize the tags for preventing synchronization in JDK 8
  • Add RocketMQ-Client-Java 5.x plugin
  • Fix NullPointerException in lettuce-5.x-plugin.


All issues and pull requests are here


03 Jun 12:59
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Changes by Version

  • Exclude synthetic methods for the WitnessMethod mechanism
  • Support ForkJoinPool trace
  • Support clickhouse-jdbc-plugin trace sql parameters
  • Support monitor jetty server work thread pool metric
  • Support Jersey REST framework
  • Fix ClassCastException when SQLServer inserts data
  • [Chore] Exclude org.checkerframework:checker-qual and
  • [Chore] Exclude proto files in the generated jar
  • Fix Jedis-2.x plugin can not get host info in jedis 3.3.x+
  • Change the classloader to locate the agent path in AgentPackagePath, from SystemClassLoader to AgentPackagePath's loader.
  • Support Grizzly Trace
  • Fix possible IllegalStateException when using Micrometer.
  • Support Grizzly Work ThreadPool Metric Monitor
  • Fix the gson dependency in the kafka-reporter-plugin.
  • Fix deserialization of kafka producer json config in the kafka-reporter-plugin.
  • Support to config custom decode methods for kafka configurations

All issues and pull requests are here


04 Apr 04:11
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Changes by Version

  • Enhance lettuce plugin to adopt uniform tags.
  • Expose complete Tracing APIs in the tracing toolkit.
  • Add plugin to trace Spring 6 and Resttemplate 6.
  • Move the baseline to JDK 17 for development, the runtime baseline is still Java 8 compatible.
  • Remove Powermock entirely from the test cases.
  • Fix H2 instrumentation point
  • Refactor pipeline in jedis-plugin.
  • Add plugin to support ClickHouse JDBC driver (0.3.2.*).
  • Refactor kotlin coroutine plugin with CoroutineContext.
  • Fix OracleURLParser ignoring actual port when :SID is absent.
  • Change gRPC instrumentation point to fix plugin not working for server side.
  • Fix servicecomb plugin trace break.
  • Adapt Armeria's plugins to the latest version 1.22.x
  • Fix tomcat-10x-plugin and add test case to support tomcat7.x-8.x-9.x.
  • Fix thrift plugin generate duplicate traceid when sendBase error occurs
  • Support keep trace profiling when cross-thread.
  • Fix unexpected whitespace of the command catalogs in several Redis plugins.
  • Fix a thread leak in SamplingService when updated sampling policy in the runtime.
  • Support MySQL plugin tracing SQL parameters when useServerPrepStmts
  • Update the endpoint name of Undertow plugin to Method:Path.
  • Build a dummy(empty) javadoc of finagle and jdk-http plugins due to incompatibility.


  • Update docs of Tracing APIs, reorganize the API docs into six parts.
  • Correct missing package name in native manual API docs.
  • Add a FAQ doc about "How to make SkyWalking agent works in OSGI environment?"

All issues and pull requests are here


12 Jan 03:05
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Changes by Version

  • Polish test framework to support arm64/v8 platforms
  • Fix wrong config name plugin.toolkit.use_qualified_name_as_operation_name, and system variable name SW_PLUGIN_TOOLKIT_USE_QUALIFIED_NAME_AS_OPERATION_NAME:false. They were toolit.
  • Rename JDBI to JDBC
  • Support collecting dubbo thread pool metrics
  • Bump up byte-buddy to 1.12.19
  • Upgrade agent test tools
  • [Breaking Change] Compatible with 3.x and 4.x RabbitMQ Client, rename rabbitmq-5.x-plugin to rabbitmq-plugin
  • Polish JDBC plugins to make DBType accurate
  • Report the agent version to OAP as an instance attribute
  • Polish jedis-4.x-plugin to change command to lowercase, which is consistent with jedis-2.x-3.x-plugin
  • Add micronauthttpclient,micronauthttpserver,memcached,ehcache,guavacache,jedis,redisson plugin config properties to agent.config
  • Add Micrometer Observation support
  • Add tags mq.message.keys and mq.message.tags for RocketMQ producer span
  • Clean the trace context which injected into Pulsar MessageImpl after the instance recycled
  • Fix In the higher version of mysql-connector-java 8x, there is an error in the value of db.instance.
  • Add support for KafkaClients 3.x.
  • Support to customize the collect period of JVM relative metrics.
  • Upgrade netty-codec-http2 to 4.1.86.Final.
  • Put Agent-Version property reading in the premain stage to avoid deadlock when using jarsigner.
  • Add a config agent.enable(default: true) to support disabling the agent through system property -Dskywalking.agent.disable=false
    or system environment variable setting SW_AGENT_ENABLE=false.
  • Enhance redisson plugin to adopt uniform tags.


  • Update, support string operators start with and end with
  • Polish agent configurations doc to fix type error

All issues and pull requests are here


09 Nov 02:00
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Changes by Version

This release begins to adopt SkyWalking 9.3.0+ Virtual Cache Analysis and Virtual MQ Analysis

  • Support set-type in the agent or plugin configurations
  • Optimize ConfigInitializer to output warning messages when the config value is truncated.
  • Fix the default value of the Map field would merge rather than override by new values in the config.
  • Support to set the value of Map/List field to an empty map/list.
  • Add plugin to support Impala JDBC 2.6.x.
  • Update guava-cache, jedis, memcached, ehcache plugins to adopt uniform tags.
  • Fix Apache ShenYu plugin traceId empty string value.
  • Add plugin to support brpc-java-3.x
  • Update compose-start-script.template to make compatible with new version docker compose
  • Bump up grpc to 1.50.0 to fix CVE-2022-3171
  • Polish up nats plugin to unify MQ related tags
  • Correct the duration of the transaction span for Neo4J 4.x.
  • Plugin-test configuration.yml dependencies support docker service command field
  • Polish up rabbitmq-5.x plugin to fix missing broker tag on consumer side
  • Polish up activemq plugin to fix missing broker tag on consumer side
  • Enhance MQ plugin relative tests to check key tags not blank.
  • Add RocketMQ test scenarios for version 4.3 - 4.9. No 4.0 - 4.2 release images for testing.
  • Support mannual propagation of tracing context to next operators for webflux.
  • Add MQ_TOPIC and MQ_BROKER tags for RocketMQ consumer's span.
  • Polish up Pulsar plugins to remove unnecessary dynamic value , set peer at consumer side
  • Polish Kafka plugin to set peer at the consumer side.
  • Polish NATS plugin to set peer at the consumer side.
  • Polish ActiveMQ plugin to set peer at the consumer side.
  • Polish RabbitMQ plugin to set peer at the consumer side.


  • Update configuration doc about overriding default value as empty map/list accordingly.
  • Update plugin dev tags for cache relative tags.
  • Add plugin dev docs for virtual database tags.
  • Add plugin dev docs for virtual MQ tags.
  • Add doc about kafka plugin Manual APIs.

All issues and pull requests are here


03 Sep 14:25
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Changes by Version

  • Fix Shenyu plugin's NPE in reading trace ID when IgnoredTracerContext is used in the context.
  • Update witness class in elasticsearch-6.x-plugin, avoid throw NPE.
  • Fix onHalfClose using span operation name /Request/onComplete instead of the wrong name /Request/onHalfClose.
  • Add plugin to support RESTeasy 4.x.
  • Add plugin to support hutool-http 5.x.
  • Add plugin to support Tomcat 10.x.
  • Save http status code regardless of it's status.
  • Upgrade byte-buddy to 1.12.13, and adopt byte-buddy APIs changes.
  • Upgrade gson to 2.8.9.
  • Upgrade netty-codec-http2 to 4.1.79.Final.
  • Fix race condition causing agent to not reconnect after network error
  • Force the injected high-priority classes in order to avoid NoClassDefFoundError.
  • Plugin to support xxl-job 2.3.x.
  • Add plugin to support Micronaut(HTTP Client/Server) 3.2.x-3.6.x
  • Add plugin to support NATS Java client 2.14.x-2.15.x
  • Remove inappropriate dependency from elasticsearch-7.x-plugin
  • Upgrade jedis plugin to support 3.x(stream),4.x


  • Add a section in Bootstrap-plugins doc, introducing HttpURLConnection Plugin compatibility.
  • Update Plugin automatic test framework, fix inconsistent description about configuration.yml.
  • Update Plugin automatic test framework, add expected data format of the log items.

All issues and pull requests are here


20 Jun 07:24
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Changes by Version

  • Fix cluster and namespace value duplicated(namespace value) in properties report.
  • Add layer field to event when reporting.
  • Remove redundant shade.package property.
  • Add servicecomb-2.x plugin and Testcase.
  • Fix NPE in gateway plugin when the timer triggers webflux webclient call.
  • Add an optional plugin, trace-sampler-cpu-policy-plugin, which could disable trace collecting in high CPU load.
  • Change the dateformat of logs to yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS(was yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS).
  • Fix NPE in elasticsearch plugin.
  • Grpc plugin support trace client async generic call(without grpc stubs), support Method type: UNARY、SERVER_STREAMING.
  • Enhance Apache ShenYu (incubating) plugin: support trace grpc,sofarpc,motan,tars rpc proxy.
  • Add primary endpoint name to log events.
  • Fix Span not finished in gateway plugin when the gateway request timeout.
  • Support -Dlog4j2.contextSelector=org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async.AsyncLoggerContextSelector in gRPC log report.
  • Fix tcnative libraries relocation for aarch64.
  • Add plugin.jdbc.trace_sql_parameters into Configuration Discovery Service.
  • Fix argument type name of Array in postgresql-8.x-plugin from java.lang.String[] to [Ljava.lang.String;
  • Add type name checking in ArgumentTypeNameMatch and ReturnTypeNameMatch
  • Highlight ArgumentTypeNameMatch and ReturnTypeNameMatch type naming rule in docs/en/setup/service-agent/java-agent/
  • Fix FileWriter scheduled task NPE
  • Optimize gRPC Log reporter to set service name for the first element in the streaming.(No change for Kafka reporter)

All issues and pull requests are here