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File metadata and controls

3776 lines (2664 loc) · 68 KB



这一部分是为了帮助学生完成书中的活动。 它包括学生为达到活动目标所要执行的详细步骤。

第 1 章:JavaScript、HTML 和 DOM

活动 1:从页面提取数据


  1. 初始化一个变量来存储 CSV 的全部内容:

  2. 查询 DOM 以找到表示每个产品的所有元素。 注意我们如何包装Array.from中返回的HTMLCollection实例,这样我们就可以像处理普通数组那样处理它:

  3. 迭代找到的每个元素:

  4. 在闭包内部,使用product元素,查询价格和单位。 使用斜杠分割字符串:

    var priceAndUnitElement = el.getElementsByTagName('span')[0];
    var priceAndUnit = priceAndUnitElement.textContent.split("/");
    var price = priceAndUnit[0].trim();
    var unit = priceAndUnit[1].trim();
  5. 然后查询名称:

    var name = el.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].textContent;
  6. 将所有信息附加到第 1 步中初始化的变量,用逗号分隔值。 不要忘记在每一行添加换行符:

    csv += `${name},${price},${unit}\n`;
  7. 使用console.log函数打印包含累计数据的变量:

  8. 将代码粘贴到 ChromeConsole选项卡中; 它应该是这样的:

Figure 1.62: Code ready to run in the Console tab

图 1.62:准备在 Console 选项卡中运行的代码

输入执行代码后,您应该看到在控制台中打印的 CSV,如下所示:

Figure 1.63: The storefront with the code and output in the Console tab

图 1.63:具有 Console 选项卡中的代码和输出的店面

活动 2:用 Web 组件替换标签过滤器


  1. 首先从Exercise07复制代码到一个新文件夹中。

  2. 创建一个名为tags_holder.js的新文件,并在其中添加一个扩展HTMLElement的类TagsHolder,然后定义一个新的自定义组件tags-holder:

    class TagsHolder extends HTMLElement {
    customElements.define('tags-holder', TagsHolder);
  3. 创建两个render方法:一个呈现基状态,另一个负责渲染标签或一些文本,指示标签选择过滤:

    render() {
      this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = `
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/semantic.min.css" />


        <span class="tags"></span>


    renderTagList() {
      const tagsHolderElement = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('.tags');
      tagsHolderElement.innerHTML = '';


      if (tags.length == 0) {
        tagsHolderElement.innerHTML = 'No filters';


      tags.forEach(tag => {
        const tagEl = document.createElement('span');
        tagEl.className = "ui label orange";
        tagEl.addEventListener('click', () => this.triggerTagClicked(tag));
        tagEl.innerHTML = tag;
  4. 在构造函数中,调用w,将组件附加到影子根,初始化所选标签列表,并同时调用render方法:

  5. get selectedTags() {
      return this._selectedTags.slice(0);
  6. 创建两个触发方法:一个触发改变事件,一个事件触发tag-clicked:

    triggerChanged(tag) {
      const event = new CustomEvent('changed', { bubbles: true });


      const event = new CustomEvent('tag-clicked', {
        bubbles: true,


  7. 创建两个mutator方法:addTagremoveTag。 这些方法接收标记名,并在选定的标记列表中添加标记(如果不存在),或删除标记(如果存在)。 如果列表修改,触发changed事件和调用该方法来重新呈现的列表标签:

    addTag(tag) {






      const index = this._selectedTags.indexOf(tag);
      if (index >= 0) {
        this._selectedTags.splice(index, 1);


  8. In the HTML, replace the existing code with the new component. Remove the following lines:

    <div class="item">
      Filtered by tags: <span class="tags"></span>
    And add:
    <tags-holder class="item"></tags-holder>
    Also add:
    <script src="tags_holder.js"></script>


    你可以在 GitHub 上的上看到最终的 HTML。

  9. In filter_and_search.js, do the following:


    const filterByTagElement = document.querySelector('tags-holder');


    filterByTagElement.addEventListener('tag-clicked', (e) => filterByTagElement.removeTag(e.detail.tag));
    filterByTagElement.addEventListener('changed', () => applyFilters());




第 2 章:Node.js 和 npm

Activity 3: Creating a npm Package to Parse HTML


  1. 在一个空文件夹中,使用 npm 创建一个新包。 您可以使用所有的默认值选项:

    $ npm init
    This utility will walk you through creating a package.json file.
    It only covers the most common items, and tries to guess sensible defaults.
    See 'npm help json' for definitive documentation on these fields and exactly what they do.


    package name: (Activity03) 
    version: (1.0.0) 


    entry point: (index.js) 
    test command: 
    git repository: 


    license: (ISC) 
    About to write to .../Lesson02/Activity03/package.json:


      "name": "Activity03",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "description": "",
      "main": "index.js",
      "scripts": {
        "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
      "author": "",
      "license": "ISCs"
    Is this OK? (yes)
  2. 安装cheerio,运行npm install

    $ npm install cheerio
    npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
    npm WARN Activity03@1.0.0 No description
    npm WARN Activity03@1.0.0 No repository field.
    + cheerio@1.0.0-rc.3added 19 packages from 45 contributors and audited 34 packages in 6.334s
    found 0 vulnerabilities
  3. 在这个文件夹中,创建一个名为index.js的文件,并添加以下内容:

  4. 创建一个变量,从 GitHub 的示例代码存储 HTML(。 创建多行字符串时,可以使用反引号:

    const html = `
        <title>Sample Page</title>
        <p>This is a paragraph.</p>
          <p>This is a paragraph inside a div.</p>
        <button>Click me!</button>
  5. 解析 HTML 并将其传递给 cheerio。 在 cheerio 的示例中,您将看到他们将解析的变量命名为“$”(美元符号)。 这是 jQuery 世界中使用的一个旧约定。 这是它的样子:

    const $ = cheerio.load(html);
  6. Now, we can use that variable to manipulate the HTML. To start, we will add a paragraph to the page with some text in it:

    $('div').append('<p>This is another paragraph.</p>');

    我们还可以使用 CSS 选择器查询 HTML,类似于我们在第一章中所做的,JavaScript, HTML 和 DOM。 让我们查询所有段落并将它们的内容打印到控制台。 请注意,cheerio 元素的行为与 DOM 元素并不完全相同,但它们非常相似。

  7. 使用firstChild属性查找每个段落的第一个节点并打印其内容,假设它是 text 元素:

  8. Lastly, inside index.js, print the manipulated HTML to the console by calling the html function:


    现在,你可以通过从 Node.js 调用它来运行你的应用:

Figure 2.7: Calling the application from node.js

图 2.7:从 Node.js 调用应用

第 3 章:Node.js api 和 Web 抓取

活动 4 从店面抓取产品和价格


  1. 使用本章中

    $ node Lesson03/Activity04/
    Static resources from /path/to/repo/Lesson03/Activity04/static
    Loaded 21 products...
    Go to: http://localhost:3000


  2. 在一个新的终端上,创建一个新的npm包,安装jsdom,并创建index.js入口文件:

    $ npm init
    $ npm install jsdom
    + jsdom@15.1.1
    added 97 packages from 126 contributors and audited 140 packages in 12.278s
    found 0 vulnerabilities
  3. 调用require()方法来加载项目中需要的所有模块:

  4. http://localhost:3000发起 HTTP 请求:

    const page = 'http://localhost:3000';
    console.log(`Downloading ${page}...`);
    const request = http.get(page, (response) => {
  5. if (response.statusCode != 200) {
      console.error(`Error while fetching page ${page}: ${response.statusCode}`);
      console.error(`Status message: ${response.statusMessage}`);
    let content = '';
    response.on('data', (chunk) => content += chunk.toString());
  6. In the close event, parse the HTML using JSDOM:

    response.on('close', () => {
      console.log('Download finished.');
      const document = new JSDOM(content).window.document;

    上述回调函数调用两个函数:extractProductswriteCSV。 下面的步骤将描述这些函数。

  7. 使用extractProducts函数查询 DOM 并从中获取产品信息。 它将所有的产品存储在一个数组,返回最后:

    function extractProducts(document) {
      const products = [];
      console.log('Parsing product data...');


          const priceAndUnitElement = el.getElementsByTagName('span')[0];


         const price = priceAndUnit[0].trim().substr(1);
          const unit = priceAndUnit[1].trim();
          const name = el.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].textContent;


      console.log(`Found ${products.length} products.`);


  8. 使用writeCSV功能,打开 CSV 文件进行写操作,保证没有错误:

    function writeCSV(products) {
     const fileName = 'products.csv';
      console.log(`Writing data to ${fileName}...`);, 'w', (error, fileDescriptor) => {
        if (error != null) {
          console.error(`Can not write to file: ${fileName}`, error);
  9.     // Write header
        fs.writeSync(fileDescriptor, 'name,price,unit\n');
        // Write content
        products.forEach((product) => {
          const line = `${},${product.price},${product.unit}\n`;
          fs.writeSync(fileDescriptor, line);
  10. 在新建的终端上运行应用:

$ node .

Downloading http://localhost:3000...

Download finished.

Parsing product data...


Found 21 products.

Writing data to products.csv...

第四章:使用 Node.js 的 RESTful api

活动 5:为键盘门锁创建 API 端点


  1. 创建一个新的项目文件夹,并将其更改为以下目录:

  2. 初始化npm项目,并安装expressexpress-validatorjwt-simple。 创建目录:routes:

    npm init -y
    npm install --save express express-validator jwt-simple
    mkdir routes
  3. 创建一个config.js文件,就像你在练习 21,设置一个终端需要身份验证中所做的那样。 其中应该包含一个随机生成的秘密值:

    let config = {};
    // random value below generated with command: openssl rand -base64 32
    config.secret = "cSmdV7Nh4e3gIFTO0ljJlH1f/F0ROKZR/hZfRYTSO0A=";
    module.exports = config;
  4. 创建routes/check-in.js文件以创建签入路由。 :

    const express = require('express');
    const jwt = require('jwt-simple');
    const { check, validationResult } = require('express-validator/check');
    const router = express.Router();
    // import our config file and get the secret value
    const config = require('../config');
  5. 创建第二个路由文件routes/lock.js。 开始所需的文件被导入库和模块,并创建一个空数组来保存我们的有效密码:

    const express = require('express');
    const app = express();
    const { check, validationResult } = require('express-validator/check');


    const path = require('path');
    const fs = require('fs');


    const createError = require('http-errors');
    // Import library for working with JWT tokens
    const jwt = require('jwt-simple');


    const config = require('./../config');
    const secret = config.secret;
    // Create an array to keep track of valid passcodes


  6. 创建一个/codeGET路线需要name的价值,这是代码之后继续在前面一步routes/lock.js文件:

    router.get(['/code'], [


      (req, res) => {


        codeObj.guest =;
        // Check that authorization header was sent
        if (req.headers.authorization) {


          try {
            req._guest = jwt.decode(token, secret);
          } catch {


          // If the decoded object guest name property
          if ( {
            codeObj.creator =;
  7. routes/lock.js中创建另一条路由。 这个将用于/open,并需要一个四位数的代码,将对passCodes数组进行检查,以确定它是否有效。 下面这条路线,确保出口router,所以它可以用在server.js:['/open'], [
        check('code').isLength({ min: 4, max: 4 })


        let code = passCodes.findIndex(obj => {
          return obj.code === req.body.code;


          passCodes.splice(code, 1);
          res.json({ message: 'Pass code is valid, door opened.' });
        } else {


    // Export route so it is available to import
    module.exports = router;
  8. 创建主文件,我们的路由将在server.js中使用。

    const express = require('express');
    const app = express();
    // Import path and file system libraries for importing our route files
    const path = require('path');
    const fs = require('fs');
    // Import library for handling HTTP errors
    const createError = require('http-errors');
    // Tell express to enable url encoding
    app.use(express.urlencoded({extended: true}));
  9. 接下来,在server.js,在前面的代码中,导入两个路线,实现一个404笼统,并告诉 API 来监听端口3000:

    // Import our index route


    app.use('/check-in', checkIn);
    app.use('/lock', lock);


    app.use(function(req, res, next) {
  10. 最后,我们将测试 API,以确保它是正确的。 从运行你的程序开始:

npm start
  1. With the program running, open a second Terminal window and use the /check-in endpoint to get a JWT and save the value as TOKEN. Then, echo that value to ensure it was successful:
TOKEN=$(curl -sd "name=john" -X POST http://localhost:3000/check-in \

  | jq -r ".token")

echo $TOKEN


![Figure 4.24: Getting TOKEN from the check-in endpoint ](img/C14587_04_24.jpg)

###### 图 4.24:从签入端点获取 TOKEN
  1. Next, we will use our JWT to use the /lock/code endpoint to get a one-time passcode for Sarah:
curl -sd "name=sarah" -X GET \

  -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \

  http://localhost:3000/lock/code \

  | jq


![Figure 4.25: A four-digit one-time code ](img/C14587_04_25.jpg)

###### 图 4.25:一个四位数的一次性代码
  1. To ensure the code works, send it to the /lock/open endpoint. We will send the following command once, expecting it to be successful. We will then send the same command a second time, expecting it to fail since each code is used only once. Run the following twice:
# IMPORTANT: Make sure to replace 4594, with your specific passcode!

curl -sd "code=4594" -X POST \

  http://localhost:3000/lock/open \

  | jq


Figure 4.26: Running the command twice results in an error

图 4.26:两次执行命令导致错误


第五章:模块化 JavaScript

活动 6:创建闪光灯模式的灯泡


  1. 安装预设的babel-clibabel作为开发依赖:

    npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli @babel/core @babel/cli @babel/preset-env
  2. 添加一个名为.babelrc的文件到根目录。 在其中,我们将告诉巴别塔使用预置设置:

      "presets": ["@babel/preset-env"]
  3. const path = require("path");
    module.exports = {
      mode: 'development',
      entry: "./build/js/viewer.js",
      output: {
        path: path.resolve(__dirname, "build"),
        filename: "bundle.js"
  4. 创建一个新文件js/flashingLight.js。 这应该作为一个扩展Light的空白 ES6 组件开始。 在构造函数中,我们将包括statebrightness,

    import Light from './light.js';


    let privateVars = new WeakMap();
    class FlashingLight extends Light {


        super(state, brightness);
        let info = {"flashMode": flashMode};
        privateVars.set(this, info);


  5. 为对象添加 setter 方法,该方法也将触发 stop 和 start flash 方法。

      setFlashMode(flashMode) {
        let info = privateVars.get(this);
        info.flashMode = checkStateFormat(flashMode);


        } else {


  6.   getFlashMode() {
        let info = privateVars.get(this);
        return info.flashMode;
  7. 创建一个引用父类的lightSwitch()函数的startFlashing函数。 这一步很棘手,因为我们必须将其绑定到setInterval:

      startFlashing() {
        let info = privateVars.get(this);
        info.flashing = setInterval(this.toggle.bind(this),5000);
  8.   stopFlashing() {
        let info = privateVars.get(this);
  9. 作为flashingLight.js的最后一部分,关闭类并导出:

    export default FlashingLight;
button.onclick = function () {

  new FlashingLight(true, slider.value, true);


button.onclick = function () {


button.onclick = function () {

  new FlashingLight(true, slider.value, true);

  1. 使用 npm 运行build函数编译代码:
  2. 打开build/index.html,设置脚本位置为bundle.js:
<script src="bundle.js" type="module"></script>
  1. 要测试一切是否正常工作,请运行npm start并在浏览器中打开localhost:8000。 点击build按钮创建一个完整的灯光页面。 如果一切都做对了,你应该会看到每盏灯以 5 秒的间隔闪烁:

Figure 5.20: Lightbulbs with flash mode

图 5.20:有闪光模式的灯泡


活动 7:put It All Together


  1. 安装测试练习中列出的开发人员依赖项(eslintprettiereslint-config-airbnb-baseeslint-config-prettiereslint-plugin-jesteslint-plugin-import):

    npm install --save-dev eslint prettier eslint-config-airbnb-base eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-jest eslint-plugin-import
  2. 添加一个配置文件eslint,.eslintrc,它包含以下几点:

     "extends": ["airbnb-base", "prettier"],


        "sourceType": "module"


        "browser": true,
        "node": true,
        "es6": true,


        "jest": true
      "plugins": [],


        "no-unused-vars": [
            "vars": "local",
            "args": "none"
        "no-plusplus": "off",
  3. 添加一个。 prettierignore文件:

  4. 在您的package.json文件中添加lint命令:

  5. 打开assignment文件夹,安装使用 Jest 使用 Puppeteer 的开发依赖项:

  6. 修改您的package.json文件,添加一个选项告诉 Jest 使用jest-puppeteer预设:

      "jest": {
        "preset": "jest-puppeteer"
  7. package.json添加test脚本,运行jest:

      "scripts": {
        "start": "http-server",
        "lint": "prettier --write js/*.js && eslint js/*.js",
        "test": "jest"
  8. 创建一个jest-puppeteer.config.js文件,包含以下内容:

    module.exports = {
      server: {
        command: 'npm start',
        port: 8080,
  9. 创建一个测试文件包含以下__tests__/calculator.js:

    describe('Calculator', () => {
      beforeAll(async () => {
        await page.goto('http://localhost:8080');


        const seven = await page.$("#seven");
        const multiply = await page.$("#multiply");


        const clear = await page.$("#clear");




        const result = await page.$eval('#screen', e => e.innerText);
      it('Check that 3.14 divided by 2 is 1.57', async () => {
        const one = await page.$("#one");
        const two = await page.$("#two");
        const three = await page.$("#three");
        const four = await page.$("#four");
        const divide = await page.$("#divide");
        const decimal = await page.$("#decimal");
        const equals = await page.$("#equals");
        const result = await page.$eval('#screen', e => e.innerText);
  10. .huskyrc上创建一个 Husky 文件,包含以下内容:


  "hooks": {

    "pre-commit": "npm run lint && npm test"


  1. Install husky as a developer dependency by running npm install --save-dev husky:
![Figure 6.19: Installing Husky ](img/C14587_06_19.jpg)

###### 图 6.19:安装 Husky
  1. Ensure that tests are working correctly using the npm test command:
npm test


Figure 6.20: Showing the positive result of two tests

图 6.20:显示两次测试的阳性结果

通过提交测试,确保 Git 挂钩和检测工作正常。

第七章:高级 JavaScript

活动 8:创建用户跟踪器


  1. Open the Activity08.js file and define logUser. It will add the user to the userList argument. Make sure no duplicates are added:

    function logUser(userList, user) {
    if(!userList.includes(user)) {

    这里,我们使用了一个includes方法来检查用户是否已经存在。 如果他们没有,他们将被加入我们的名单。

  2. Define userLeft. It will remove the user from the userList argument. If the user doesn't exist, it will do nothing:

    function userLeft(userList, user) {
    const userIndex = userList.indexOf(user);
    if (userIndex >= 0) {
        userList.splice(userIndex, 1);

    在这里,我们使用indexOf来获取我们想要删除的用户的当前索引。 如果道具不存在,indexOf将会return –1,所以我们只使用splice移除存在的道具。

  3. 定义numUsers,返回当前列表中的用户数量:

    function numUsers(userList) {
    return userLeft.length;
  4. Define a function called runSite. We will create a users array and call the function we declared previously to test our implementation. We will also invoke the function afterward:

    function runSite() {
        // Your user list for your website
        const users = [];
        // Simulate user viewing your site
        logUser(users, 'user1');
        logUser(users, 'user2');
        logUser(users, 'user3');
        // User left your website
        userLeft(users, 'user2');
        // More user goes to your website
        logUser(users, 'user4');
        logUser(users, 'user4');
        logUser(users, 'user5');
        logUser(users, 'user6');
        // More user left your website
        userLeft(users, 'user1');
        userLeft(users, 'user4');
        userLeft(users, 'user2');
        console.log('Current user: ', users.join(', '));


Figure 7.62: Output of running log_users.js

图 7.62:运行 log_users.js 的输出

活动 9:使用 JavaScript 数组和类创建学生管理器


  1. Create a School class that includes all the student's information:

    class School {
    constructor() {
        this.students = [];

    School构造函数中,我们简单地初始化一个学生列表。 稍后,我们将向这个列表添加新学生。

  2. Create a Student class that includes all the relevant information about the student:

    class Student {
    constructor(name, age, gradeLevel) { = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.gradeLevel = gradeLevel; = [];


  3. Create a Course class that will include information about the course's name and grade:

    class Course {
    constructor(name, grade) { = name;
        this.grade = grade;


  4. School类创建addStudent:

    addStudent(student) {
  5. School类创建findByGrade:

    findByGrade(gradeLevel) {
        return this.students.filter((s) => s.gradeLevel === gradeLevel);
  6. School类创建findByAge:

    findByAge(age) {
    return this.students.filter((s) => s.age === age);
  7. School类创建findByName:

    findByName(name) {
    return this.students.filter((s) => === name);
  8. In the Student class, create a calculateAverageGrade method for calculating the average grade of the student:

    calculateAverageGrade() {
    const totalGrades =, curr) => prev + curr.grade, 0);
    return (totalGrades /;

    calculateAverageGrade方法中,我们使用数组 reduce 来获取我们学生所有班级的总成绩。 然后,我们用这个除以课程列表中的课程数。

  9. In the Student class, create a method called assignGrade, which will assign a number grade for a course the student is taking:

    assignGrade(name, grade) { Course(name, grade))

    您应该在student_manager.js文件中完成您的工作,并修改提供的方法模板。 如果你正确地实现了所有内容,你应该看到TEST PASSED消息:

Figure 7.63: Screenshot showing the TEST PASSED message

图 7.63:显示 TEST PASSED 消息的屏幕截图

Activity 10: Refactoring Functions to Use Modern JavaScript FeaturesActivity 10: Refactoring Functions to Use Modern JavaScript Features


  1. Open Activity03.js; it should contain various functions written in legacy JavaScript. When you run Activity03.js using Node.js, you should see the following output:

    Figure 7.64: Output after running Lesson7-activity.js

    图 7.64:运行 Lesson7-activity.js 后的输出
  2. 您需要重构itemExist,使用includes数组:

    function itemExist(array, item) {
        return array.includes(item);
    In pushUnique we will use array push to add new item to the bottom
    function pushUnique(array, item) {
        if (!itemExist(array, item)) {
  3. createFilledArray中,我们将使用array.fill来填充一个初始值:

    function createFilledArray(size, init) {
        const newArray = new Array(size).fill(init);
        return newArray;
    In removeFirst we will use array.shift to remove the first item
    function removeFirst(array) {
        return array.shift();
  4. removeLast中,我们将用array.pop去掉最后一项:

    function removeLast(array) {
        return array.pop();
    In cloneArray we will use spread operation to make clone for our array
    function cloneArray(array) {
        return […array];
  5. We will refactor our Food class using the ES6 class:

    class Food {
        constructor(type, calories) {
            this.type = type;
            this.calories = calories;
        getCalories() {
            return this.calories;


Figure 7.65: Output showing the TEST PASSED message

图 7.65:显示 TEST PASSED 消息的输出


活动 11:使用回调来接收结果


  1. 创建一个以idcallback为参数的calculate函数:

  2. We will first call getUsers to get all of the users. This will give us the address we need:

    function calculate(id, callback) {
    clientApi.getUsers((error, result) => {
    if (error) { return callback(error); }
    const currentUser = result.users.find((user) => === id);
    if (!currentUser) { return callback(new Error('user not found')); }

    在这里,我们获取所有用户,然后应用find方法到user,从列表中找到我们想要的用户。 如果该用户不存在,则调用callback函数并返回User not found错误。

  3. Call getUsage to get the user's usage:

    clientApi.getUsage(id, (error, usage) => {
    if (error) { return callback(error); }

    然后,我们需要将对getUsage的调用放在getUsers的回调函数中,以便在我们完成getUsers调用后,它将运行。 在这里,回调函数将被一个数字列表调用,这将是用法。 如果从getUsage收到一个错误,我们也将用错误对象调用回调函数。

  4. Finally, call getRate to get the rate of the user we are doing the calculation for:

    clientApi.getRate(id, (error, rate) => {
    if (error) { return callback(error); }
    let totalUsage = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < usage.length; i++) {
        totalUsage += usage[i];
    callback(null, {
    address: currentUser.address,
    due: rate * totalUsage

    我们将把这个调用放到getUsage的回调函数中。 这将为我们需要的所有信息创建一个嵌套链请求。 最后,我们将使用正在计算的信息调用回调函数。 对于最终的到期金额,我们使用数组 reduce 来计算该用户的总使用量,然后将其乘以速率来得到最终到期金额。

  5. When the function is completed, invoke it using an existing ID, as in the following code:

    calculate('DDW2AU', (error, result) => {
        console.log(error, result);


    Figure 8.43: Invoking the function using an existing ID

    图 8.43:使用现有 ID 调用函数
  6. Invoke the function using an ID that doesn't exist:

    calculate('XXX', (error, result) => {
        console.log(error, result);


Figure 8.44: Invoking a function using an ID that doesn’t exist

图 8.44:使用不存在的 ID 调用函数

Activity 12: Refactor the Bill Calculator Using Async and Await


  1. 创建calculate功能为async功能:

    async function calculate(id) {
  2. Use await to call getUsers to get the resolved result in users:

    const users = await clientApi.getUsers();
    const currentUser = users.users.find((user) => === id);

    当我们使用await关键字时,我们必须使用async函数。 关键字await将打破我们的程序的控制,只有在它等待的承诺被解决后才返回并继续执行。

  3. 使用await呼叫getUsage以获得用户的使用:

    const usage = await clientApi.getUsage(;
  4. 使用await呼叫getRate为用户获取费率:

    const rate = await clientApi.getRate(;
  5. 最后调用return检索idaddressdue:

    return {
    address: currentUser.address,
    due: (rate * usage.reduce((prev, curr) => curr + prev)).toFixed(2)
  6. calculateAll函数写成async函数:

    async function calculateAll() {
  7. 调用getUsers时使用await,并将结果存储在result:

    const result = await clientApi.getUsers();
  8. Use a map array to create a list of promises and use Promise.all to wrap them. Then, should be use await on the promise returned by Promise.all:

    return await Promise.all( => calculate(;

    因为await将在任何承诺上工作,并将等待,直到值被解析,它也将等待我们的Promise.all。 解析后,将返回最终的数组。

  9. Call calculate on one of the users:



    Figure 8.45: Calling calculate on one of the users

    图 8.45:呼叫计算对一个用户
  10. Call the calculateAll function:



Figure 8.46: Calling the calculateAll function

图 8.46:调用 calculateAll 函数


第 9 章:事件驱动编程和内置模块

活动 13:构建事件驱动模块



  1. 导入events模块:

    const EventEmitter = require('events');
  2. Create the SmokeDetector class that extends EventEmitter and set batteryLevel to 10:

    class SmokeDetector extends EventEmitter {
        constructor() {
            this.batteryLevel = 10;


  3. Create a test method inside the SmokeDetector class that will test the battery level and emit a low battery message in the event that the battery is low:

    test() {
            if (this.batteryLevel > 0) {
                this.batteryLevel -= 0.1;
                if (this.batteryLevel < 0.5) {
                    this.emit('low battery');
                return true;
            return false;

    我们的test()方法将检查电池水平,并发出一个low battery事件,当电池少于 0.5 单位。 我们也会在每次运行test方法时降低电池电量。

  4. Create the House class, which will store the instances of our event listeners:

    class House {
        constructor(numBedroom, numBathroom, numKitchen) {
            this.numBathroom = numBathroom;
            this.numBedroom = numBedroom;
            this.numKitchen = numKitchen;
            this.alarmListener = () => {
                console.log('alarm is raised');
            this.lowBatteryListener = () => {
                console.log('alarm battery is low');

    在课堂上,我们存储一些关于房子的信息。 我们还将这两个事件监听器函数存储为该对象的属性。 这样,当我们想要分离一个侦听器时,就可以使用函数引用来调用removeListener

  5. Create an addDetector method in the House class. Here, we will attach the event listeners:

    addDetector(detector) {
            detector.on('alarm', this.alarmListener);
            detector.on('low battery', this.lowBatteryListener);

    在这里,我们期望传入的检测器是一个EventEmitter。 我们将两个事件监听器附加到detector参数上。 当这些事件被触发时,它将调用对象内部的事件发射器。

  6. Create a removeDetector method, which will help us remove the alarm event listeners we attached previously:

    removeDetector(detector) {
            detector.removeListener('alarm', this.alarmListener);
            detector.removeListener('low battery', this.lowBatteryListener);

    这里,我们使用函数引用和 alarm 参数来删除附加到侦听器上的侦听器。 一旦调用了这个,事件就不应该再调用我们的侦听器了。

  7. 创建一个名为myHouseHouse实例。 这将包含一些关于我们房子的样本信息。 它也将被用来监听事件从我们的烟雾探测器:

  8. 创建一个名为detector:

    const detector = new SmokeDetector();


  9. detector加入myHouse:

  10. Create a loop to call the test function 96 times:

for (let i = 0; i < 96; i++) {



由于测试功能会降低电池电量,我们预计,如果我们调用它`96`次,将发出*低电池*报警。 这将产生以下输出:

![Figure 9.50: Low battery alarm emitted ](img/C14587_09_50.jpg)

###### 图 9.50:低电量报警
  1. Emit an alarm on the detector object:


![Figure 9.51: Alarm emitted for the detector object ](img/C14587_09_51.jpg)

###### 图 9.51:探测器对象发出的警报
  1. myHouse对象中移除detector:
  1. Test this to emit the alarms on the detector:



Figure 9.52: Testing the emit alarms on the detector

图 9.52:测试探测器发出的警报

活动 14:Building a File Watcher


  1. 导入fsevents:

    const fs = require('fs').promises;
    const EventEmitter = require('events');
  2. Create a fileWatcher class that extends the EventEmitter class. Use a modify timestamp to keep track of the file change.

    我们需要创建一个扩展EventEmitterFileWatcher类。 它将把文件名和 delay 作为构造函数中的参数。 在构造函数中,我们还需要设置最后修改的时间和 timer 变量。 我们暂时将它们设置为未定义:

    class FileWatcher extends EventEmitter {
        constructor(file, delay) {
            this.timeModified = undefined;
            this.file = file;
            this.delay = delay;
            this.watchTimer = undefined;


  3. Create the startWatch method to start watching the changes on the file:

    startWatch() {
            if (!this.watchTimer) {
                this.watchTimer = setInterval(() => {
                    fs.stat(this.file).then((stat) => {
                        if (this.timeModified !== stat.mtime.toString()) {
                            this.timeModified = stat.mtime.toString();
                    }).catch((error) => {
                }, this.delay);

    这里,我们使用fs.stat获取文件信息,并将修改时间与上次修改时间进行比较。 如果它们不相等,我们将在控制台中输出修改的

  4. Create the stopWatch method to stop watching the changes on the file:

    stopWatch() {
            if (this.watchTimer) {
                this.watchTimer = undefined;

    stopWatch方法非常简单:我们将检查这个对象中是否有一个计时器。 如果我们这样做,那么我们运行clearInterval定时器来清除该定时器。

  5. 在与filewatch.js相同的目录下创建一个test.txt文件。

  6. 创建一个FileWatcher实例,并开始查看每一个1000ms:

    const watcher = new FileWatcher('test.txt', 1000);
  7. Modify some content in test.txt and save it. You should see the following output:

    Figure 9.53: Output after modifying the content in the test.txt file

    图 9.53:修改 test.txt 文件内容后的输出

    我们修改了该文件两次,这意味着我们看到了三条修改过的消息。 之所以会发生这种情况,是因为当我们开始监视时,我们将它类为正在修改的文件。

  8. Modify startWatch so that it also retrieves the new content:

    startWatch() {
            if (!this.watchTimer) {
                this.watchTimer = setInterval(() => {
                    fs.stat(this.file).then((stat) => {
                        if (this.timeModified !== stat.mtime.toString()) {
                            fs.readFile(this.file, 'utf-8').then((content) => {
                                console.log('new content is: ', content);
                            }).catch((error) => {
                            this.timeModified = stat.mtime.toString();
                    }).catch((error) => {
                }, this.delay);


    Figure 9.54: The modifications that were made in the file can be seen using the startWatch function

    图 9.54:使用 startWatch 函数可以看到文件中所做的修改
  9. Modify startWatch so that it emits events when the file is modified and an error when it encounters an error:

    startWatch() {
            if (!this.watchTimer) {
                this.watchTimer = setInterval(() => {
                    fs.stat(this.file).then((stat) => {
                        if (this.timeModified !== stat.mtime.toString()) {
                            fs.readFile(this.file, 'utf-8').then((content) => {
                                this.emit('change', content);
                            }).catch((error) => {
                                this.emit('error', error);
                            this.timeModified = stat.mtime.toString();
                    }).catch((error) => {
                        this.emit('error', error);
                }, this.delay);

    我们将使用新内容发出一个事件,而不是输出内容。 这使得我们的代码更加灵活。

  10. watcher:

watcher.on('error', console.error);

watcher.on('change', (change) => {

    console.log('new change:', change);

  1. 运行代码并修改test.txt:

Figure 9.55: Output after changing our file watcher

图 9.55:更改文件监视器后的输出

第十章:JavaScript 函数式编程

活动 15:onCheckout 回调道具


  1. 将当前目录更改为Lesson10,并运行npm install(如果您以前未在此目录下运行)。 npm install下载运行此活动所需的依赖项(React 和 Parcel)。

  2. Run parcel serve activity-on-checkout-prop-start.html and then execute npm run Activity15. You will see the application starting up, as follows:

    Figure 10.42: Output after running the start html script

    图 10.42:运行 start html 脚本后的输出
  3. Go to http://localhost:1234 (or whichever URL the start script output). You should see the following HTML page:

    Figure 10.43: Initial application in the browser

    图 10.43:浏览器中的初始应用
  4. The onClick of the Proceed to checkout can be implemented as follows:

      render() {
        return (
            <p>You have {this.state.items.length} items in your basket</p>
            <button onClick={() => this.props.onCheckout(this.state.items)}>
              Proceed to checkout


    Basket组件的render方法中找到文本为Proceed to checkout的按钮。

    注意到它的onClick处理器目前是一个在被调用时什么也不做的函数() => {}


  5. 点击Proceed to checkout按钮可以看到:

Figure 10.44: Output after clicking on the “Proceed to checkout” button

图 10.44:点击“Proceed to checkout”按钮后的输出

活动 16:测试选择器


  1. Run npm run Activity16 (or node activity-items-selector-test-start.js). You will see the following output:

    Figure 10.45: Expected output after running the start file of the activity

    图 10.45:运行活动的启动文件后的预期输出
  2. 测试,对于空状态,选择器返回[]:

    function test() {
        'should be [] when selecting with no state'
        'should be [] when selecting with {} state'
  3. 测试,对于空的篮子对象,选择器返回[]:

    function test() {
      // other assertions
        selectBasketItems({basket: {}}),
        'should be [] when selecting with {} state.basket'
  4. 测试,如果 items 数组设置为空,则选择器返回[]:

    function test() {
      // other assertions
        selectBasketItems({basket: {items: []}}),
        'should be [] when items is []'
  5. 测试,如果items数组没有空和设置,选择器返回:

    function test() {
      // other assertions


        [{name: 'product-name'}],


    The full test function content after following the previous solution steps:




        'should be [] when selecting with {} state'
        selectBasketItems({basket: {}}),
        'should be [] when selecting with {} state.basket'
        selectBasketItems({basket: {items: []}}),
        'should be [] when items is []'
          basket: {items: [{name: 'product-name'}]}
        [{name: 'product-name'}],
        'should be items when items is set'
  6. 在执行的测试的输出中应该没有错误:

Figure 10.46: Final output showing no errors

图 10.46:没有显示错误的最终输出

活动 17:从最好的朋友那里拿当前的篮子


  1. 将当前目录更改为Lesson10,并运行npm install(如果您以前未在此目录下运行)。

  2. Run the BFF for Activity 17 and npx parcel serve activity-app-start.html. During development, run npm run Activity17. You will see the application starting up, as follows:

    Figure 10.47: Running the initial start file for the activity

    图 10.47:运行活动的初始启动文件
  3. Go to http://localhost:1234 (or whichever URL the starting script output). You should see the following HTML page:

    Figure 10.48: Initial application in the browser

    图 10.48:浏览器中的初始应用
  4. Run the following query in the GraphiQL UI:

      basket {
        items {


    Figure 10.49: GraphiQL UI with basket query

    图 10.49:带有篮子查询的 graphhiql UI
  5. 创建一个新的requestBasket动作创造者(利用 redux-thunk)。 它调用fetchFromBff前一步的查询和分派一个REQUEST_BASKET_SUCCESS动作与一篮子载荷提取 GraphQL 回应:

    function requestBasket() {


          basket {
            items {




        }`).then(data => {


            basket: data.basket
  6. 减少篮子数据存储和添加下面的案例REQUEST_BASKET_SUCCESS``appReducer来减少我们的新行动的basket有效载荷状态:

    const appReducer = (state = defaultState, action) => {


          return {


            basket: action.basket
        // other cases


  7. mapDispatchToProps中加入requestBasket,如下:

    const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
      return {
        // other mapped functions
        requestBasket() {
  8. Call requestBasket on componentDidMount:

    class App extends React.Component {
      componentDidMount() {
      // render method

    当前面所有步骤都完成后,加载应用时,它会闪烁“你的篮子里有 0 项”的信息,然后切换到下面的截图。 当从 BFF 获取完成时,它被减少到存储中并导致重新渲染。 这将再次显示篮子,如下所示:

Figure 10.50: Final application once it has been integrated with the BFF

图 10.50:与 BFF 集成后的最终应用