Extract who's and what's playing - artist(s) and track(s) - from a YouTube music video
pip install youplay
This will install the python module and the youplay helper script
youplay 0UjsXo9l6I8
#!/usr/bin/env python
import youplay
(artists, tracks) = youplay.extract('0UjsXo9l6I8')
print '%s - %s' %(', '.join([artist.name for artist in artists]), tracks[0].name)
(artists, tracks) = youplay.extract('c-_vFlDBB8A')
print '%s - %s' %(artists[0].name, tracks[0].name)
Note that your Google API key must be set as an environment variable: YOUPLAY_GOOGLE_KEY
If you don't have a key, register at code.google.com/apis/console/
and register for the YouTube Data API v3 and the Freebase API.
Contact, infos, related hacks: apassant.net and mdg.io