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jiracli - A tool for interacting with JIRA on the command line.

What is jiracli

jiracli is a python based framework for interacting with JIRA via the command line interface. The use is intended for JIRA users who don't enjoy using a web based interface to JIRA and would rather use their familiar editors and interaction tools.

jiracli makes use of the click framework, and the Atlassian JIRA python framework to provide functionality.


Currently, jiracli is a development-only version, and doesn't have much support for distribution. In order to install it, clone and run pip install:

$ git clone
$ cd jiracli
$ pip install -e .

This will put the main jiracli utility jcli into your path.


First, you'll need to populate a jira yaml file that the internal jira connector class will use to connect to the jira server. To do this, you'll want to use the example found in the examples/ directory.

You'll want to change the authentication information, and you probably will want to set specific fields to be included with issue information (depending on what custom fields your JIRA projects use such as 'Story Points', etc). Once you've set up the basic stuff, you can list your issues with:

$ jcli login
$ jcli myself

And that should display your username, which shows that the connector is properly configured.

One other convenient change to make to your environment is to use auto-click-auto to generate a shell completion. If you've installed the auto-click-auto package, and use bash - you can simply run:

$ eval "$(_JCLI_COMPLETE=bash_source jcli)"


$ source <(_JCLI_COMPLETE=bash_source jcli)

And your shell should have autocomplete for the jcli utility.

Additionally, there is the ability to run in interactive shell mode, provided you've installed the click-shell package. In that case, you can run in interactive mode with:

$ jcli shell-cmd
jcli> help

This will give an interactive interface to the jcli suite of commands.

Jira yaml field selection

The .jira.yaml does allow to select fields for inclusion, and alternatively for exclusion. The fields section looks like:

  - field:
    name: Some Field
    [exclude: true|false]

The exclude line for a field is optional, and can be either true or false. There are some 'built-in' fields that have support:

  • url The URL for the issue
  • comments All of the comments associated with an issue
  • description The description of an issue
  • links Any issue or remote links associated with an issue
  • attachments Attachments that are added to an issue

By default, all of the fields above are included in the issue display, so you will require changes to the yaml file in order to disable them.

Interfacing with issues

Querying Issues

The default display for issues looks something like:

$ jcli issues list
| key     | project    | priority   | summary            | status | assignee |
| BUG-123 | PROJMAIN   | Normal     | A normal bug       | New    |  |
| BUG-1   | PROJMAIN   | Undefined  | This is some ot... | Plan   |  |
| FEAT-1  | PROJEXTRA  | High       | Add another foo... | To Do  |  |

This default view presents the table of JIRA issue tickets assigned to the current user. The query that it uses is very basic, and only looks at those tickets assigned to the current user, in all projects, that are not in a "final" state.

The view can be tuned with a specific jql by using the --jql option:

$ jcli issues list --jql="\"Project\" = \"PROJEXTRA\" AND assignee=\"\""
| key     | project    | priority   | summary            | status | assignee |
| FEAT-3  | PROJEXTRA  | Normal     | Add a list of t... | Start  |  |

Additionally, the different contains and match options can help to build a JQL query (--matching-eq, --matching-neq, --matching-contains, --matching-not, --matching-in) for finer tuned queries to list issues.

As an example, let's say we want to find all the issues for which the custom field "Response Needed" had the users A or B set:

$ jcli issues list --assignee=- \
  --matching-in "\"Response Needed\"" "(\"$(jcli myself)\", \"\")"
| key     | project    | priority   | summary            | status | assignee |
| BUG-123 | PROJMAIN   | Normal     | A normal bug       | New    |  |
| BUG-124 | PROJMAIN   | High       | The system caug... | QE     |  |

This output can also be formatted as CSV and used in scripts such as:

$ for issue in $(jcli issues list --assignee=- --output=csv \
  --matching-in "\"Response Needed\"" "(\"$(jcli myself)\", \"\")" |\
  tail -n +2 | cut -d, -f1); do
    notify-send "Issue Needs Response" "$(echo Issue Id: $issue)"

This will call notify-send for all issues on the platform where the field for "Response Needed" includes the current user or '' user.

Another useful case is to check for mentions in the comments. This is something we'd like to see across all issues. For example, we may want to see all updates in the last day:

$ jcli issues list --mentions --updated-since="-1d"
| key     | project    | priority   | summary            | status | assignee |
| BUG-124 | PROJMAIN   | High       | The system caug... | QE     |  |

This can help to figure out which issues need responses for creating a daily to-do list.


Interacting with issues usually involves adding comments, and transitioning through states. Occasionally, specific fields will need to be modified to set up specific values.

Reading an issue is a simple show command:

$ jcli issues show BUG-123
| BUG-123    | PROJMAIN             | PROJMAIN                                |
| priority: Normal               | status: New                                |
| URL:                                   |
| summary:                                                                    |
| -------                                                                     |
| A normal bug

| Description:                                                                |
| Description of problem:                                                     |
| Just a normal bug that can happen when a user does foo-bar                  |
> Comments:
| Author: B Dev                                | 2023-09-14T07:28:41.000+0000 |
| I wanted to try and solve this bug but there is an issue when the system ha |
| s no activity - do we need to do something about this?                      |

This display includes comments, and will include any custom fields configured in the Jira yaml preference file.

Another option would be to display the raw server side data of the issue:

$ jcli issues sho


Adding a comment should be easy:

$ jcli issues add-comment BUG-123

This will use the EDITOR environment variable to spawn an editor against a temporary file which will be pushed to the issue as a comment. Alternatively, the add-comment command can accept a --comment option to fill a comment from the command line directly.

You can set the comment visibility when creating a comment:

$ jcli issues add-comment BUG-123 --visibility 'Some Group'

This will set the comment's visibility property to restrict viewing to a specific group.

You can also edit a specific comment with the update-comment command:

$ jcli issues update-comment BUG-123 11223344

This will first populate the body text in an editor. It will then setup the visibility settings. You can use the --visibility option just as with adding a comment.

To delete a comment:

$ jcli issues del-comment BUG-123 11223344

This will attempt to delete a comment.

Comment Formatting

Tagging an individual in a comment involves using [] tags. For example:

This is a mention of [] in a comment

This will be the value of the JIRA name.

Adding links in the comment markdown can be done with:


Drop all formatting:


Add code that looks like c/c++/java (maybe even bash?):

int foo(char c) {
   char bar;

   return c + bar;

The full reference for JIRA's markdown is documented elsewhere.

Setting fields

Setting a specific field looks like:

$ jcli issues set-field BUG-123 "Priority" "Normal"
Updated BUG-123, set Priority High -> Normal

To move an issue to a different status, JIRA requires the use of a transition. The valid transitions for an issue can be determined by:

$ jcli issues states BUG-123
['New', 'Start', 'Post', 'QE', 'Done']

Setting the state can be done by:

$ jcli issues set-status BUG-123 Post

Using attachments

When printing an issue, any attachments will be displayed with their filesize, creator, and name:

| Attachments:                                                                                                                             |
| File               | Created                      |   Size | Creator      |
| some_filename_here | 2024-08-20T12:40:18.714+0000 |   4342 | Aaron Conole |

To download, you can simply use the attachments sub-command:

$ jcli issues attachments --pull some_filename_here BUG-123
Downloading: some_filename_here

If you use the attachments without any options, the same list will be displayed. In this case, it will include an index to use as an alternate fetch-id:

$ jcli issues attachments BUG-123
|   Id | File               | Created                      |   Size | Creator    |
|    0 | some_filename_here | 2024-08-20T12:40:18.714+0000 |   4342 | Aaron Conole |
$ jcli issues attachments --pull 0 BUG-123
Downloading: some_filename_here

To upload, use the --push option with a filename:

$ jcli issues attachments --push /tmp/data.txt BUG-321

Reporting Issues in JIRA

To test out filing a JIRA ticket, simply run:

$ jcli issues create --dry-run

This will spawn an editor taking in issue text in the following fashion:

This first block is the issue summary.

Now add a bit of detailed description about the issue, including
when it was observed, and what was seen.  Formatting options are valid
here such as:
   another_result = code_result();

And links to [searches|].
# This is a comment, and will not be added to the bug.
# The following comments will be needed - they can live anywhere in
# the description of the issue:
# set-project: A Project Name
# issue-type: Bug

In the above, when creating the issue, the first block of text will be treated as the summary. The issue parsing block will try to zap line-breaks for the summary. Line breaks for the description will be preserved. Additionally, the comment blocks must include the set-project: and issue-type: directives. Make sure to use the appropriate issue type for the project. Finally, if you have specific fields you wish to set, those can appear as additional set-field: blocks:

# set-field: "Story Points" 1.0

This will tell the issue creation code to include a field setter for the "Story Points" field and set it to value 1.0. NOTE: This only works if the project is configured to use this field.

The issue creation code can also take all text from a file. This is useful when running with the dry-run flag, to check that all the fields have appropriate settings. The creation code will show what it will propose as as issue like:

Creating: {'description': 'Now add a bit of detailed description about the issue, including\n'
                'when it was observed, and what was seen.  Formatting options are valid\n'
                'here such as:\n'
                '   some_code();\n'
                '   another_result = code_result();\n'
                'And links to [searches|].',
           'issuetype': 'Bug',
           'project': 'A Project Name',
           'summary': "This first block is the issue summary."}
done - Result: DRY-OKAY

Once this is satisfactory, removing the dry-run flag will commit the issue to the JIRA server.

Additionally, the issue parser will try to parse a patch file into a formatted issue. This can be useful when working with cover-letters or for maintainers who wish to create tickets based on upstream accepted bugfixes.

Finally, we can construct useful backport tickets by using the --commit and even --oneline options to make useful backport related tickets:

$ pwd
$ jcli issues create --project "Kernel Project" --issue-type Epic \
  --oneline --commit HEAD..HEAD~3

This will pop up an editor with contents like:

# The first line in this will be treated as the summary.

# The following commits will be referenced in the ticket
   9664d505853dc net: openvswitch: Debugging stuff
   42d43269220b2 net: openvswitch: kselftest rebase
   c4732113ade45 selftests: openvswitch: rework with something

# set-project: Kernel Project
# issue-type: Epic
# NOTE: you can use a line '# set-field: "foo" bar' to set field 'foo'
#       to value 'bar'.  The 'set-field' directive requires
#       field to be quoted as "Some Foo"

You'll need to edit this and set the summary, and fill out the description to get a valid issue created. It is recommended to save a copy of the text and use the --dry-run option to make sure you are confident in the issue text, and only then run without --dry-run.

Interfacing with boards

Displaying a board

Displaying a board can be done by running the boards show command with the board name as an argument:

$ jcli boards show "My Board"
| Backlog   | Triage     | To Do   | In Progress (Dev)   | Code Review / On QA   | Done       |
|           | BUG-121    | BUG-22  | BUG-455             |                       | BUG-1      |
|           |            | BUG-23  |                     |                       | BUG-2      |
|           |            |         |                     |                       | BUG-3      |
|           |            |         |                     |                       | BUG-4      |

In order to work with boards from the command line, it is important to know the column mappings for statuses, and the query that generates the boards. This information can be retrieved by the boards get-config command to display the board column mappings, and queries:

$ jcli boards get-config "My Board"
{'column.Backlog', [<JIRA Status: name='Backlogged', id='12345'],
... = "Only Me"
quickfilter.query = "assignee = currentUser()"

Additionally, the named quickfilters can be displayed and used when querying for board details:

$ jcli boards show "My Board" --filter "Only Me"
| Backlog   | Triage     | To Do   | In Progress (Dev)   | Code Review / On QA   | Done       |


CLI stuff for Jira






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