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PMD plugin for apex-ls

A Java ServiceProvider plugin that can be used by apex-ls to invoke PMD analysis on Apex code.

The apex-ls-pmd jar needs to be on the classpath for apex-ls to be able to detect it is available. See apex-ls README for more details.

Getting Started


Releases are available from SonaType. You will need to add the resolver to your build tool.


// Add if not present
ThisBuild / resolvers ++= Resolver.sonatypeOssRepos("releases")

  libraryDependencies += "io.github.apex-dev-tools" % "apex-ls-pmd" % "X.X.X"


<!-- In <repositories/> -->

<!-- In <dependencies/> -->


A main class, io.github.apexdevtools.pmd.Main, is included in the test classes for ad-hoc testing, this is best run from an IDE to establish the correct dependency jars.

The command requires a workspace to analyse, this should contain adt-pmd-rules.xml PMD ruleset file.



  • sbt package - Creates packaged jar for testing and release.
  • sbt Universal/packageBin - Creates a zip with dependencies in target/universal/apex-ls-pmd-{version}.zip
  • sbt test - Execute test run.
  • sbt clean - Removes most build files and artifacts.


Releases are automated via workflow on publishing a release. Create a v prefixed tag at the same time on the commit to be released (e.g. v1.0.0).

The release workflow will also archive the binary which should then be attached to the release. Note the workflow artifact is zipped a second time so the file apex-ls-pmd-{version}.zip will first need extracting.


All the source code included uses a 3-clause BSD license, see LICENSE file for details.