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Kai Jaeger edited this page Jan 2, 2024 · 39 revisions
Name Win Lin Mac Description
APLProcess Yes Yes Yes Start an APL process from within APL in a controlled manner
APLTreeUtils2 Yes Yes Yes General utilities; required by most of the following scripts
CodeBrowser Yes Yes Yes Compile single stand-alone HTML page with all the code specified
CodeCoverage Yes Yes Yes Collect data that allow reporting on code coverage, typically for test cases
CommTools Yes Yes Yes Basic communication tools for user commands etc
CompareSimple Yes No No Compare two APL objects, either in WS or on disk (if SALT or acre managed)
Compare Yes No No Adds powerful tools like "Merge" to CompareSimple
DateTime Yes Yes Yes Easy calculations with dates
DateAndTime Yes Yes Yes Cast date and time, do maths with date, calculate Easter, week number and more
DotNetZip Yes Yes Yes Zip and unzip files/folders with .NET on all platforms
EventCodes Yes Yes Yes Provides symbolic names for all trappable events
Execute Yes n/a n/a Start a new process or application
FilePlus Yes Yes Yes Extend component files to use named components
FilesAndDirs Yes Yes Yes Deal with files and directories
GitHubAPIv3 Yes Yes Yes Interface to GitHub's REST API (v3)
HandleError Yes Yes Yes Error trapping on a general level
HashPasswords Yes Yes Yes Salt and create a SHA256 hash for a password
IniFiles Yes Yes Yes Dealing with INI files
Logger Yes Yes Yes Writing Log Files
MarkAPL Yes Yes Yes Converts Markdown to HTML5
OS Yes Yes Yes Anything related to your operating system
ServiceState Yes n/a n/a Interface between Windows Services and APL applications
SevenZip Yes Yes No Interface to the Open Source zipper 7zip
ShowChmHelp Yes n/a n/a Display help files and topics within help files
SMTP Yes Yes Yes Send Emails via SMTP
SQLFns Yes Yes Yes Easily create text SQL commands for use with any SQL program interface
Tester Yes Yes Yes Simplified function-level testing of programs
Tester2 Yes Yes Yes Test framework for Unit tests
WindowsEventLog Yes n/a n/a Dealing with the Windows Event Log
WinReg Yes n/a n/a Dealing with the Windows Registry
WinRegSimple Yes n/a n/a Dealing with the Windows Registry
WinSCP_Net Yes n/a n/a Interface between Dyalog and the WINSCP .NET DLL
WinSys Yes n/a n/a Get information closely related to Windows
ZipArchive Yes Yes Yes Zipp & unzip with .NET on Windows and zip/unzip on other platforms
  • "No" : the application could run under that OS but has not been extended yet.
  • "n/a" : there is no point in making the application available under that OS, usually for technical reasons.
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