This app takes data related to geographic entities and displays that data from the IRS and County Health Rankings alongside Google Maps.
Rails 5.2
Ruby 2.4.1
Google Maps, Geocoder, OAuth
Clone this repo. It contains large .csv files which may require additional time.
bundle install
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
The seed file will create over 30,000 rows over 3 tables (States, Counties, Zips). This will take several minutes or more. Puts statements in the seed will give you feedback as to the seed's success including statements on the successful creation of each state, and total number of each entity created - 51 states(DC included), 27,000 + zip codes, 2800 + counties.
This app uses Rails 5.2 credentials. You will need a Google API key for Maps, and a client_id and client secret for OAuth. You can obtain these from Google. To add them to the Rails project, you must edit the encrypted file credentials.yml.enc which uses master.key to decrypt. To edit the credentials file in Atom, run
EDITOR="atom --wait" rails credentials:edit
or change appropriately depending on your text editor, and enter keys in the following format:
api_key: XXXXXXX
client_id: XXXXXXX
client_secret: XXXXXXXX
test_token: XXXXXXX
Test token is a token received from Google, used in tests.
To run this project locally on localhost:3000, run
rails s
To run the test suite, run
rspec The app currently uses FY2015 data. Once newer data becomes available, the csv may be changed out and and column names adjusted appropriatetely through database migration. The County Health Rankings data lists 2018 as its publication date.
This app is currently deployed at: