A basic Angular2 latest release RC5 ("2.0.0-rc.5") project with authentication (login / logout) works as seed project with new Route
- RC5 ("2.0.0-rc.5") new Route implementation with child routes
- Webpack: for transpylation and as a task runner
- TSD & TSC to write code in ECMAScript-6 standards.
- TS-Lint for de-bugging,code-optimisation and standardisation.
- Angular 2 with latest release RC5 ("2.0.0-rc.5")
- jQuery typescript for some functionality
- Crypto-js for encryption/decryption
Clone this repository as well as the server for this example.
Then, run npm install
on this project and run npm start
to start the app. Then just navigate to http://localhost:8080 💥
- Run command "webpack" It will create build files in 'dist' folder.
- Map these files in your index.html(put into script and add tag 'auth-app').
- run your project.
find The doc file "Technologies Postmortem.doc" in the project
Akhilesh Kumarakhileshcoder@gmail.com