A command line tool to reduce Earth observation image collections over time.
The eo_reduce command line tool takes a collection of input images as input and applies a reducer function on pixel time series. It warps individual scenes to the specified projection, spatial window, and resolution and afterwards reduces all the images.
All images must have the same number of bands and the same band data types but may have different spatial footprints. Mosaicing is performed automatically based on the given output properties.
-h [ --help ] print usage
-o [ --output-file ] arg path of output file
-b [ --bands ] arg Bands of the input dataset, defaults to all
available bands
--t_win arg coordinates of the target window expressed in the
target reference system with order (xmin, xmax,
ymin, ymax).
--t_size arg size of the target image in pixels with order
(width, height).
--t_srs arg target reference system as GDAL readable string.
-f [ --func ] arg reducer function, currently supported are 'mean,
'min', 'max', 'median'
-m [ --memory ] arg (=256) memory in MB that is available for caching
-v [ --verbose ] verbose output
Derive mean NDVI image from Landsat 7 imagery
eo_reduce -f "mean" --t_win="799500 809500 789000 799000" --t_size="334 334" --t_srs="EPSG:32636" -o test_reduce_landsat.tif ../data/Landsat/
(see Dockerfile)