Pants is a lightweight framework for writing asynchronous network applications in Python. Pants is simple, fast and very good-looking.
Pants is available under the [Apache License, Version 2.0] (
Pants can be installed using pip:
pip install pants
You can also grab the latest code from the git repository:
git clone git://
Pants requires Python 2.6+ - Python 3 is not yet supported.
Pants has a small but active community of developers who congregate in the IRC channel #pantsmud on
Here's an absurdly simple example - Hello World:
from pants import engine, Server, Stream
class Hello(Stream):
def on_connect(self):
self.write("Hello, World!\r\n")
Want a stupidly fast web server? Got you covered:
from pants import engine
from pants.web import Application, HTTPServer
app = Application()
def hello(request):
return "Hello, World!"