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Install (it)

php anonymous edited this page Oct 9, 2020 · 1 revision

Installation of (It) is smooth, and takes no time

First, prepare .env file, configure your database connection, adjust the driver and other options, Then, proceed with the follwing steps:

Open terminal, cd to your project `composer require phpanonymous/it`

and write the generate to make your database and configure env file automated

this will install the (it) package, after finishing configure the following:

After Install Your Version Run This Commands `php artisan it:generate`

after download all default packages run this command to publish your aliases and admin panel assets `php artisan vendor:publish –force –provider=”Phpanonymous\It\ItApplication”` migrate default tables `php artisan migrate` and you want to make your admin account by migrate `php artisan db:seed`

now you can visit your admin panel on http://localhost/projectname/public/admin or run your serve