Hemera depends on the following libraries:
- ply 2.3 (or superior)
- pygraphviz (or superior)
Ply: this library is easy to install, the library can be founded in lib subdirectory.
Pygraphviz: in the past, it was a little bit more complicated!! But it seems that from now on we just need to run:
easy_install pygraphviz
In the past, for Mac OS system we have followed the procedure discribed in: http://groups.google.com/group/pygraphviz-discuss/browse_thread/thread/f3b385409bb66420?pli=1
The pygraphviz library in lib directory was downloaded from http://networkx.lanl.gov/download/pygraphviz/
And the graphviz package from: http://graphviz.org/pub/graphviz/development/macos/leopard/
Finnaly, we edited the setup.py from the pygraphviz adding the correct location of libraries (in the beggining of the file):
library_path=’/usr/local/lib’ include_path=’/usr/local/include/graphviz’
- The initial sequent should be listed before cleaning the goals.
- Improve the parser to consider cases like “a –> a –> a”.
python setup.py sdist