To extract stock information, run StockMining.py from the terminal
To execute, run mining.py from the terminal
By default, the program will listen indefinitely for incoming tweets with the keyword(s) specified in mining.py
The output will be a csv file. It will be named .csv CSV file information is returned in the following order: ID, text, isVerified, #retweets, #favorites, #followers, sentiment, #capitals, # of !, # of ?, #emoticons
How to set a tweet limit before disconnecting:
- In mining.py, go to the line which instantiates MineListener
listener = MineListener()
- Add an argument tweet_limit
- ex:
listener = MineListener(tweet_limit = 10)
- ex:
- Now after 10 tweets are gathered and sent to the csv file, the stream will disconnect
- Similarly to the above, one can override the path of the file to which the data will be sent
- ex:
listener = MineListener(csv_path = 'myFile.csv')
- ex:
- In mining.py, go to the line which instantiates MineListener
How to specify what keywords to search for in mining.py as well
- In mining.py, go to the line where the stream starts running
stream.filter(track = ["party"])
- Add items to the list which track is set to
- ex:
stream.filter(track = ["party","feelings","fun"])
- ex:
- Now all the specified keywords will be included in the search
- In mining.py, go to the line where the stream starts running
How to extract stock information:
- In StockMining.py, change
to desired stock symbol/ticker - Change
to desired time interval in seconds - Change
to number of days that you wish to extract the stock info of - To write the extracted data to a CSV file, uncomment the final two lines
- In StockMining.py, change