Bhaskara is an experimental interpreted object functional language focused towards extreme flexibility, expression of metalinguistic abstractions(trying to support language oriented programming) and the eventual goal of creating a powerful reflective/meta-reflective system with the capabilities of self-modifying(homoiconic) code, Aspect Oriented Programming and dynamically changing runtime semantics(by providing a Metaobject Protocol).
This project serves as an explorational workbench for experimenting and testing idiosyncratic linguistic abstractions and language constructs, design patterns, dsls, runtime/operational semantics etc.
Javascript, Self, F#, Python, Go, Smalltalk, OCaml, Haskell, Kotlin, Scala, Lisp, CLOS, Scheme, Clojure, Lua, C, Wolfram Language, Racket
def fac(n) = if n == 0 then 1 else n * fac(n-1)
pfac <- fac >> print
for i in 1..13 do go pfac(i)
def fib(n) => match n with
| x when x <= 1 => x
| _ => fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
8 |> fib |> print
def cons(head, tail) => [head, tail]
def car(l) => force l[0]
def cdr(l) => force l[1]
def add1(n) {
cons(n,lazy add1(n+1))
def map(fn, l) {
cons(fn(car(l)), lazy map(fn,cdr(l)))
n := map(add1(0), def(v) => v**2)
for i in 0..20 {
print <| car(n)
n = cdr(n)
def reader(ch) => while true do ch.recv() |> print
def writer(ch,n) => for i in 0..n do ch.send(i)
ch1 := channel()
go reader(ch1)
The codebase is under heavy developement(Features may break!) and constantly updated
- Control Flow
- if-elif-else
- for loop
- while loop
- pattern matching with guards
- Literal based
- Variable based
- Wildcard based
- Functions
- Functions and Lambdas
- Lexically Scoped (with Closures)
- Dynamically Scoped
- Decorators
- Functions and Lambdas
- Object
- Object literals
- List literals
- Indexing
syntax - Dot syntax
- Optional chaining
- Method invocation
- Basic operator overloading
- Prototypal Inheritance
- Concurrency
syntax supported (currently assigns a thread from a thread pool)go
expression returns an Async Future/Promise which is fulfilled with the return value of routinechannel
currently supported through objects(will give syntactic support through operator overloading in the future)
- Lazy expressions
- Basic Code Quotations
- Haskell style List Comprehensions (WIP - alpha)
- Embedded S-Expression support
- Allowed to pass around as literals
- Working on allowing templatization
This also includes long term goals
- Multiple prioritized inheritance & Sender path tie breaker resolution
- Sum types (Disjoint union types)
- First Class Continuations (call/cc)
- Exception Handling
- Module system
- Tail call optimization
- Optimized Goroutine scheduler
- String templates and Tagged string literals
- Scala like
based lambda literal sugar - RegExp Literals
- Proxy and AOP
- Syntactic and semantic support for Design by Contract(which is inspired Hoare Triples) e.g preconditions, postconditions.
- Monadic bind operator and Do notation
- Dynamically scoped thunks(delayed expressions) and call by name eval strategy for thunks
- Coroutines, async-await(more specific form of do notation?)
- Delimited Continuations
- Homoiconic transforms
- Lisp style Macros
- Code quotations
- Self hosted transpiler to Javascript
- Gradual typing
- Runtime persistance to JSON or Custom image format
- Unicode support