quickly configure i3, bspwm installed on pure Arch Linux base system via: install_wm script.
It is made to provide an already configured i3/bspwm 'desktop' just to get you started. Both configurations and associated tools will be installed, meaning if you choose to install i3, bspwm files will be present in ~/.config & ~/.local/bin so you can later on install bspwm package with pacman and vice versa. Of course you will have to work a bit to make it yours completely.
The configuration files and scripts are examples so feel free to edit them to fit your needs.
- bash zsh
- a bunch of scripts
- nano vim geany
- terminals (alacritty,urxvt,xterm)
- dmenu rofi
- a lot of Xresources themes (~/.config/xfiles/themes using theme_selector script)
- feh (as wallpaper setter)
- polybar a little bit customized.
- cmus mpd ncmpcpp pulsemixer
- dunst gnome-keyring polkit-gnome pulseaudio (all running as systemd user services)
- sxhkd (also used with i3)
- Recommanded tools to install: yay & xtitle (aur)
BE CAREFULL, don't launch install_wm on a none fresh installed system!!!
First install the Arch base, then the window manager with these command lines.
curl -sL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/archusXIV/dotfiles/main/scripts/install_arch/install_desktop" -O
chmod +x install_desktop && ./install_desktop
Once rebooted run the install_wm script that has been downloaded during the installation and placed in your $HOME directory. It is already executable.
Geany will open this README.md when you first login so you can check your settings such as:
- .bashrc
- .bash_profile
- .xinitrc
- .zshenv
- .config/bash
- .config/bspwm/bspwmrc
- .config/i3/config (the official config is also in the same directory)
- .config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc (applications launchers, sound etc...)
- .config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc_i3
- .config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc_bspwm
- .config/zsh/
- .local/bin/autostart
For user convenience when pressing mod4 + d a dmenu with subcategories will appear at the bottom of the screen. Where you can find an application menu, archwiki finder, autoscript editing function, a menu to open configs, a finder, keyboard shortcuts reminder, power menu, a screenshooter and a theme selector.
Just modify its configuration in ~/.config/mpd/mpd.conf according to your likings (music path etc...). Uncomment line 10 in ~/.config/systemd/user/Xsession.target then reload the systemd config:
systemctl --user deamon-reload && systemctl --user start mpd.service
Ncmpcpp is already here but please check its configuration file in ~/.config/ncmpcpp/config.
Visit the polybar wiki, clone it or take a look at my configs, if you change the bar name please replace it in ~/.local/bin/launch_polybar & some other scripts.
cd ~/.config/polybar
git clone https://github.com/polybar/polybar.wiki.git