The MVD Android client uses the following libraries:
- Android-Websockets by Eric Butler
- OkHttp by Square
- Firebase by Firebase
- Sugar ORM by Satya Narayan
- MQTT Client by fusesource
- Beanlib by Littlerobots
To work with this application you need the Android Developer Tools installed. You can find them here. Scroll down to "Other Download Options" and select the SDK Tools for your system.
Note: You may need to perform other installation options to get the development tools setup properly on your computer
Note: You do not need to install the Android Studio Development environment unless you intend on altering the MVD Android component setup.
- Copy the file "android_winusb.inf" in C:\PATH\TO\ANDRIOD\android-sdk\extras\google\usb_driver, overwriting the original one.
- Follow the instructions described here to install unsigned driver in Windows 8.
- Navigate to C:\PATH\TO\ANDRIOD\android-sdk\extras\google\usb_driver.
- Right-click on "android_winusb.inf" and click "Install".
- Copy the file "adb_usb.ini" into C:\PATH\TO\USER\.android, overwriting the original one as well.
- Launch cmd and navigate to C:\PATH\TO\ANDROID\android-sdk\platform-tools\ .
- Run
adb devices
- Run ​
echo 0x0a5c >> ~/.android/adb_usb.ini
- Run
adb kill-server
- Run
adb start-server
- Run
adb devices
- Run ​
echo 0x0a5c >> ~/.android/adb_usb.ini
- Run
adb kill-server
- Run
adb start-server
- Run
adb devices
If you've only got one ADB device on your system:
adb -d install mvd-v.0.1.0.apk
If you've got more than one ADB device on your system:
adb -s MC000090 install mvd-v.0.1.0.apk
The MVD can be described, in a simple way, as a network proxy. It can connect to multiple services and pass information between them. The following diagram simplifies the position of the MVD in the network.
(Arduino Bean) -- [MVD] -- (Cloud Service)
The connection/s that goes through the MVD are controlled by a set of services, each with its own specific usecase.
The following cloud services are included:
| Service | MVD service name |Â Type | Description | |---|---|---|---|---| | Firebase | FirebaseService | Firebase | Firebase is an increasingly popular SaaS for building real-time applications on mobile and web platforms. Read more here | | HTTP | HttpService | HTTP | This service allows for simple connections to REST-like web API:s. There's an example Laravel implementation here | | MQTT | MqttService | MQTT | MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocol originally developed for use by remote sensors. It's most notable implementation to day is the Facebook messenger. Read more here | | Xively | XivelyService | MQTT | Xively is an Internet of Things Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). Read more here | | Elis | ElisService | Websocket | This project focuses on exploring the potential of mobile services on mobile devices (e.g. smart phones and tablets) to promote energy efficiency in existing buildings. Read more here |
There is also a specific Bean service, used to connect to the Arduino compatible "Beans".
| Service | MVD service name | Type | Description | |---|---|---|---|---| | Bean | BeanService | Bluetooth | ... |
Note that from the perspective of the MVD the Bean service is no different from any other service, it acts in an identical way.
To set the different configuration options for your MVD you would use the SET_CONFIGURATION
action and pass in the values you wish to set.
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.SET_CONFIGURATION
<...configuration extras...>
The MVD will also, if instructed, print debug messages to the logcat. Use the following commands to enable and disable debug messaging. To persist the debug setting pass the optional PERSIST
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.ENABLE_DEBUG
--ez cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PERSIST true
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.DISABLE_DEBUG
--ez cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PERSIST true
The identifier is used by services to distinguish this particular MVD from other MVD's. This should always be set.
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.SET_CONFIGURATION
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.ID "mvd-team-1"
TODO: Add more config options?
The Services are controlled using broadcast intents with a predefined set of extra values that you can pass to the broadcast.
Currently you can perform the following actions using broadcasts:
adb shell am start -n cc.arduino.mvd/cc.arduino.mvd.MainActivity
adb shell am force-stop cc.arduino.mvd
Generally speaking a service is started with the START_SERVICE
action. All services are started with as STICKY
adb shell am broadcast -a
--es "<MVD Service name>"
Each service may require extra values, see each service description for details on starting that service.
To stop a service you send the STOP_SERVICE
adb shell am broadcast -a
--es "<MVD Service name>"
Values can be passed through the MVD either in the UP
direction or the DOWN
direction. UP are connections towards a service while DOWN are from a service.
Each service will listen for both UP
(someone else wrote to me) and DOWN
(I wrote to someone else) broadcasts. Depending on the TARGET
values the Services will react either by:
- Ignoring the value when the service was not mentioned as either
. - Assuming the role as the
and not reacting to the broadcast, merely noticing that itself sent the broadcast. - Assuming the role as the
and reading the value and forwarding it to the service it is connected to (f.ex. MQTT, Xively, or Bean).
[MVD] --UP--> (Service)
This command is for internal use only. It can also be used to debug connections - verifying that values are being sent to the target service from the MVD.
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.UP
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.TARGET "<MVD Service name>"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.SENDER "<MVD Service name>"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.CODE "<code>"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PIN "<pin>"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.VALUE "<value>"
[MVD] <--DOWN-- (Service)
This command is for internal use only. It can also be used to debug connections - verifying that the service is reacting properly to the sent broadcast.
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.DOWN
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.TARGET "<MVD Service name>"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.SENDER "<MVD Service name>"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.CODE "<code>"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PIN "<pin>"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.VALUE "<value>"
The main use case for MVD is sensor binding from Bean to cloud services. These bindings are set up using broadcasts.
To create a binding you would pass the bean mac address, the component code and the pin it is connected to. You also need to add a descriptive name to the binding.
db shell am broadcast -a
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.BINDING_NAME "<name for this binding>"
--es "<Bean MAC>"
--es "<MVD Service name>"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.CODE "<code>"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PIN "<pin>"
adb shell am broadcast -a
There are two ways to delete a binding, either by selecting the service to remove bindings for:
db shell am broadcast -a
--es "<MVD Service name>"
Or by declaring the combination of the mac, component code and pin number.
db shell am broadcast -a
--es "<Bean MAC>"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.CODE "<code>"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PIN "<pin>"
adb shell am broadcast -a
Last tested: 2015-04-10
MVD is also built on the premise that services can be connected, when two services are connected all information from either of the two services are passed to the other.
Note: Because of the nature of HTTP it's impossible to route DOWN
updates from HttpService to other services. However, you can route other services updates to the HttpService.
To create a service route use the ADD_ROUTE
action and pass two service names using the NAMES
adb shell am broadcast -a
--esa "<MVD Service name1>, <MVD Service name2>"
adb shell am broadcast -a
To delete a service route use the DELETE_ROUTE
action and pass two service names using the NAMES
adb shell am broadcast -a
--esa "<MVD Service name1>, <MVD Service name2>"
adb shell am broadcast -a
Each service may require special values when sending a broadcast, here you'll find all the details, including examples, for interacting with each of the services.
Last tested: 2015-04-09
To start the service you would send a simple START_SERVICE
broadcast. Because of limitations in the BT stack we cannot rely on standard GATT connection characteristics, instead we need to poll the connected Bean's at an interval - you should pass a DELAY
extra when starting the service.
adb shell am broadcast -a
--es "BeanService"
--ei 1000
Last tested: 2015-04-09
adb shell am broadcast -a
--ex "BeanService"
Last tested: 2015-04-09
To start an LE scan issue you send SCAN
broadcast and include the TIMEOUT
which decided for how many milliseconds you want to perform the scan.
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.SCAN
--ei 5000
The result will be posted to Logcat under tag "BeanService".
Last tested: 2015-04-09
To add a new Bean (Arduino) to the MVD library you would use the ADD_BEAN
action, and pass the MAC
as an extra. The Bean will now which services (Sensors and Actuators) it supports and the MVD will act accordingly.
Note: Before you can add any Bean you actually need to make a scan, otherwise the Bean service will not have any knowledge of the available Beans nearby.
adb shell am broadcast -a
--es "D0:39:72:D3:4A:C6"
To remove a Bean you use the REMOVE_BEAN
action and pass the same MAC
adb shell am broadcast -a
--es "D0:39:72:D3:4A:C6"
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.UP
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.TARGET "BeanService"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.SENDER "mvd"
--es "00:11:22:AA:BB:CC"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.CODE "T"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PIN "2"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.VALUE "audio.wav"
Note: We're telling the system that the SENDER
is mvd
this is just for debugging. Making sure that we're not using any of the other service names will create a clean, orphaned, call.
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.DOWN
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.TARGET "mvd"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.SENDER "BeanService"
--es "00:11:22:AA:BB:CC"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.CODE "L"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PIN "10"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.VALUE "100"
Note: We're telling the system that the TARGET
is mvd
this is just for debugging. Making sure that we're not using any of the other service names will create a clean, orphaned, call.
Last tested: 2015-04-09
To start the service you would send a simple START_SERVICE
broadcast which includes a value META_URL
pointing to the Firebase URL that is of interest. The participants can freely sign up for their own Firebase instances at
adb shell am broadcast -a
--es "FirebaseService"
--es ""
Last tested: 2015-04-09
Stopping the service is done through a simple STOP_SERVICE
adb shell am broadcast -a
--es "FirebaseService"
Last tested: 2015-04-09
MVD allows to send values to Firebase after the service is set up through broadcasts. This can be useful for debugging. The action is UP
The intent requires 5 values to be set. The first is TARGET
and it's the service that should handle the intent (FirebaseService in this case), the second is SENDER
which can be any name (mvd will be good for debugging). The last three values are connected to the sensor/actuator that we're mocking: CODE
, and VALUE
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.UP
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.TARGET "FirebaseService"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.SENDER "mvd"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.CODE "L"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PIN "7"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.VALUE "124"
Note: We're telling the system that the SENDER
is mvd
this is just for debugging. Making sure that we're not using any of the other service names will create a clean call.
Last tested: 2015-04-09
The intent requires 5 values to be set. The first is TARGET
and it's the service that should handle the intent (mvd will be good for debugging
), the second is SENDER
which should be the service where the value originated from (FirebaseService in this case). The last three values are connected to the sensor/actuator that we're mocking: CODE
, and VALUE
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.DOWN
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.TARGET "mvd"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.SENDER "FirebaseService"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.CODE "L"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PIN "7"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.VALUE "124"
Note: We're telling the system that the TARGET
is mvd
this is just for debugging. Making sure that we're not using any of the other service names will create a clean call.
Last tested: 2015-04-08
To start the service you would send a simple START_SERVICE
broadcast including the URL
extras. The DELAY
defines the polling interval that the MVD will use for the lifetime of the service. Default delay is 5000 milliseconds.
There is an example implementation for a HTTP REST-like API at mvd-forge-demo.
direction the HttpService will only react to registered bindings, service forwarding FROM the HttpService is currently not available.
Note: The service can be a bit sensitive to url formatting, make sure to specify the whole "http://.../"
, otherwise the MVD app may become unresponsive
adb shell am broadcast -a
--es "HttpService"
--es ""
--ei 2000
Last tested: 2015-04-08
Stopping the service is done through a simple STOP_SERVICE
adb shell am broadcast -a
--es "HttpService"
Last tested: 2015-04-08
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.UP
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.TARGET "HttpService"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.SENDER "mvd"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.CODE "L"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PIN "7"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.VALUE "124"
Last tested: 2015-04-08
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.DOWN
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.TARGET "mvd"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.SENDER "MqttService"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.CODE "L"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PIN "7"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.VALUE "124"
Last tested: 2015-04-08
To start the service you would send a simple START_SERVICE
broadcast which includes a value URL
pointing to the MQTT Broker address that is of interest. There is an open broker at
, on port 1883
, that is available for use.
adb shell am broadcast -a
--es "MqttService"
--es ""
--ei 1883
Last tested: 2015-04-08
Stopping the service is done through a simple STOP_SERVICE
adb shell am broadcast -a
--es "MqttService"
Last tested: 2015-04-08
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.UP
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.TARGET "MqttService"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.SENDER "mvd"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.CODE "L"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PIN "7"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.VALUE "124"
Last tested: 2015-04-08
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.DOWN
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.TARGET "mvd"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.SENDER "MqttService"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.CODE "L"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PIN "7"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.VALUE "124"
Last tested: 2015-04-08
To start the service you would send a simple START_SERVICE
broadcast which includes a value API_KEY
which is your Xively API Key (found on your product page) and the FEED_ID
for your specific feed.
Only one Xively feed can be connected at a time to the MVD.
adb shell am broadcast -a
--es "XivelyService"
--es "E90BxBbVsWxBZyiCepmoT65vswM1UDktpVpkoBBl3k2Vn8BY"
--es "1822884493"
Last tested: 2015-04-08
Stopping the service is done through a simple STOP_SERVICE
adb shell am broadcast -a
--es "XivelyService"
Last tested: 2015-04-08
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.UP
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.TARGET "XivelyService"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.SENDER "mvd"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.CODE "L"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PIN "7"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.VALUE "124"
Last tested: 2015-04-08
connection will send a value from the XivelyService to another service. If no valid TARGET
service is given this will be an orphaned broadcast - no one will recieve the value.
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.DOWN
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.TARGET "mvd"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.SENDER "XivelyService"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.CODE "T"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PIN "12"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.VALUE "55"
Last tested: 2015-04-09
To start the service you would send a simple START_SERVICE
broadcast which includes a value URL
which is your Elis URL and the PORT
. The URL
should be formatted as ws://<hostname>
. Default port is 11414.
adb shell am broadcast -a
--es "ElisService"
--es "ws://"
--ei 80
Last tested: 2015-04-09
Stopping the service is done through a simple STOP_SERVICE
adb shell am broadcast -a
--es "ElisService"
Last tested: 2015-04-09
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.UP
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.TARGET "ElisService"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.SENDER "mvd"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.CODE "L"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PIN "7"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.VALUE "124"
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.UP --es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.TARGET "ElisService" --es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.SENDER "mvd" --es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.CODE "L" --es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PIN "7" --es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.VALUE "124"
Last tested: 2015-04-08
connection will send a value from the XivelyService to another service. If no valid TARGET
service is given this will be an orphaned broadcast - no one will recieve the value.
adb shell am broadcast -a cc.arduino.mvd.helper.actions.DOWN
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.TARGET "mvd"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.SENDER "XivelyService"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.CODE "T"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.PIN "12"
--es cc.arduino.mvd.helper.extras.VALUE "55"