I am Arefat. I am a freelance developer and a MSc Student. Just graduated with BSc Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Adama Science and Technology University. I have been working on #DigitalEthiopia this past year. I am currently working on my self 🔎 I have been freelancing for Lesan AI for a while now and This was my latest project for them, a Telegram bot @lesanaibot using Lesan's API to translate Amharic and English.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on some Docker side projects and React Native stuff.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Flutter and Go in my spare time. !Hard
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on React builds, Firebase projects, or anything cool really...
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with Docker, anyone?
- 💬 Ask me about React, Front-end Dev, MERN, Python or C++.
- 📫 How to reach me: Telegram | Gmail | Skiff
Armazon – an E-Commerce web application
Developed an Amazon website clone with full e-commerce store functionality using React JS, Express JS, Material UI, Firebase and Stripe payment integration.
Golgoole – a Google clone web search application
Developed a web search application that looks a lot like Google Search using Google custom search API, React, React Router, Context API, Flexbox and Firebase hosting.
Hule Film – a Movie directory website
Programmed a Hulu clone web application using React, TMDB API, Flip Move, Material UI, Flexbox and Firebase hosting that shows various movies and tv series with genre.
Built a COVID-19 Statistics application with filters by country, map and cases using React JS, Material UI and Leaflet. It was to commemorate the global pandemic lockdown period.
📃 More demos below:
Fakebook – a front-end UI clone of Facebook
Designed an interface replica of Facebook with google authentication and posting features using React, Material UI and Firebase.
BetochBnB – a house rental and reservation web application
Designed a front-end Airbnb website clone using React, Flexbox and Firebase.
The Gram – a Photo sharing site
Built an Instagram-clone that has user authentication and users can share photos with caption and comments. It was developed using React JS, Tailwind CSS and Firestore.
TinderEth – a Tinder clone web application
Designed a tinder-like web application using the MERN stack with backend running MongoDB, Mongoose, NodeJS and ExpressJS with Heroku backend hosting.
What’s up? – a WhatsApp-clone group chat web application
Developed a WhatsApp replica group chat application using React JS, NextJS, Firestore, Google Authentication and Firebase hosting.
Accord – a channel based social forum web application
Worked on a Redux application that is basically a channel based many to many chats’ application/forum built using React, Redux, Firebase, Firestore and Flexbox.
iChat Beta – a socket-based group chat application
Built a messenger clone group chat application with google authentication and chat rooms with Redux state management, React, Material UI and Firebase hosting.