v 0.50
- Important changes
- New package
- Repo refactor
v 0.37
- Added progress bar element
- Added animations classes
- lagunite.js reformat
- Added class "inputLine" work in progress Choee
- Many !important added
- disappearing
- .wmc width min content
v 0.36
- Added btn with figures shapes ex: "btn circle-l floar-br"
- added "panel noaside"
- Panel mobile 1st version
- Added "radio-btns"
- Added "radio-divs"
v 0.35
- Cleaned Repo
v 0.34
- changed "separator-v " to "separator-h"
- fixed width overflow on Samsung browser
- added "null" for content = ''
- added "marg-0" and "padd-0"
- Panel layout
v 0.33
- carousel implementation
- "checkbouxContainer" margin-right fixed
- added colors of text at ID #33
- added points figures ID #71
- added "pointer" class
v 0.32
- "inputContainer" now support flex-wrap for multiple inputs
- "row" no longer has width: 100%. Now you can use rows in row partent
- "col" no longer has height: 100%.
- autocommit now get version from package.json
Todo: fix hoverable table ? check panel aside alt in other resolutions range input fix dark mode
remove .box boxes
font color component menu display: inline; prevent line break at h1
shadow lef,rigth, top, etc tipo menui
.shadow-2 { box-shadow: 0px 9px 21px -7px var(--main_color));