Here's the link to view the build protoype : Sephora-Advert-Calendar
+-- Assets
| +-- Avalon-Book.otf
| +-- Avalon-Demi.otf
| +-- SephoraSerif-Book.otf
| +-- style.css
| +-- banner.png
| +-- confetti.png
| +-- snowflakes.png
| +-- tarte.jpg
+-- Javascript
| +-- function.js
| +-- timer.js
+-- index.html
I started out by asking myself, how I would want to structure the grids around with the bootstrap grids. Thus I started to draw out the wireframes for it.
Disclaimer : Wireframes are more for the thought process and may not be drawn accurate to assets or scales.
• Created few branches in the process of doing it, so that master branch is left untouch until css-bugs are resolved.
• Created to-do list of things (functions/view portions) during the process of building this so as to pace myself out
- Refractor the CSS better. (It could have been neater using SASS)
- Positioning the Images overlay to be more smooth
- Have better naming conventions for CSS classes.