This is a basic implementation of RRT on a 2D world with line and circle obstacles
To use the application, clone this repository and build and run using the instructions below.
The application has dependencies that will be available with out of the box Ubuntu 20.04 operating system. They are as follows,
- Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04 or equivalent
- CMake 3.10.2 or above
- gcc/g++ 7.5.0 or above
- Eigen3
- yaml-cpp
The application builds using CMake
Within the root directory of the application, the source files are in ./src directory and the included headers are in ./include. Two scripts and are provided for building and running the application.
Open a terminal window and follow the steps below,
- Make sure the scripts have execute permissions by running the command
ls -l
- Run the provided build script using the command
Open a new terminal window if not following from the "Build" section and execute the following commands from within the root directory of the application,
- Run the provided run script using the command
Configure the RRT and other world parameters in the config file config/rrt_config.yaml
. The configs are grouped into 5 namespaces,
- start_pose - A sequence of 2 floating point numbers describing the start point of path. Use the keyword 'generate_random' for using a random start point
- goal_pose - A sequence of 2 floating point numbers describing the goal point of path. Use the keyword 'generate_random' for using a random goal point
- obstacles - A list of obstacles of either CIRCLE or LINE type. CIRCLE is described with a center and radius. LINE is described with a start and end point
- grid - Parameters describing the 2D world with limits in both x and y axes and resolution of both axes
- rrt - Parameters for RRT algorithm. max_step_size, min_iterations, max_iterations, goal_closeness_threshold