superium is now polytoria, new apis VVVV
on my profile
im sorry for my english, lol
Domain | Description |
---|---| | Misc Endpoints |
ReturnUrl: a page to redirect to after sending the request
input: an amount of bricks/studs
c: b, s (b means bricks) (s means studs)
returns a number
studInput: a number of studs to convert
brickInput: a number of bricks to convert
tradeId = a target trade id (example with a id 5437)
{"id":"5437","user_from":"5669","user_to":"451","f1":"50153","f2":"34282","f3":"0","f4":"0","t1":"50110","t2":"0","t3":"0","t4":"0","seen":"0","status":"PENDING","f1name":"Pumpking Top-Hat ","f1id":"5548","f1serial":"61","f1worth":"372","f2name":"The Fire Crown","f2id":"3875","f2serial":"10","f2worth":"5,861","f3name":"","f3id":0,"f3serial":0,"f3worth":0,"f4name":"","f4id":0,"f4serial":0,"f4worth":0,"t1name":"Pumpking Top-Hat ","t1id":"5548","t1serial":"48","t1worth":"372","t2name":"","t2id":0,"t2serial":0,"t2worth":0,"t3name":"","t3id":0,"t3serial":0,"t3worth":0,"t4name":"","t4id":0,"t4serial":0,"t4worth":0}
- Not logged in: {'error': true }
- Not allowed to fetch the trade: {'error': true }
id: a target trade id
action: an action (accept, decline)
- Not logged in: {'error': true }
- Not allowed to interact with the trade: {'error': true }
id: a color id
part: part=currentlySelected (which is Head), part=(body part name)
id: item id (you need to own it)
id: item id (you need to own it)
cat: tool, hat, face, shirt, pants
page: a page id
id: a target user id
csrf: your csrf token
id: a target user id
userId: a user id, for example ?id=1
pageId: a page id, or ?page=currentPage, Warning: the max page is 100
- Not logged in: You are not logged in!
- Not logged in: You are not logged in!
guildId: a guild id
role: a role name (can get the id thru F12, and searching for data-roleid)
page: a page id, currentPage
<div class="columns">
<!-- this thing below repeats (10 members = 10 divs) -->
<div class='column is-2'>
<img src='[avatarhash].png'>
<center><a href='/User/?id=[userId]'>[username]</a></center>
guildId: a guild id
page: a page id, currentPage
returns the same thing like get members but it's not users it's items
guildId: a guild id
guildId: a guild id
gameId: a game id
serial: your serial id
itemid: limited id
price: chosen price in bricks (max 1000000000, min 1)
- Logged-in user doesnt own the item, returns: err:inv
id: item id
csrf: your csrf token
- invalid assetId
- invalid item
- already own this item
- not logged in
- item is off-sale
- not having enough currency
- item has sold out
id: blim
blim = code below
var blim = [itemid];
csrf: your csrf token
- invalid assetId
- invalid item
- already own this item
- not logged in
- item is off-sale
- not having enough currency
- selling this item
id: item id
csrf: your csrf token
- invalid assetId
- invalid item
- already own this item
- not logged in
- item is off-sale
- not having enough currency
- selling this item
name: a chosen name lol?
{"Error": false,"Message": "OK"}
- username must be at least 3 characters
- inappropriate username
- username contains special characters
- username is already taken! Try [name](random numbers like "XYZ237") instead
username: chosen username
password: chosen passowrd
confirmpassword: your chosen password
email: chosen email
referer: target userId (REFERER IS OPTIONAL), default 0
- reCAPTCHA failed, please try again
- other errors are unknown, sadly