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Create QIYOSQ by your self

  • Run this application with apache maven

  • Run test with command : mvn -DTest:SampleClass test, example : mvn -DTest:InitDataTest test

  • Run application : mvn spring-boot:run

  • Compile and run application with skip test : mvn clean package spring-boot:run -DskipTests

  • Run application with skip test and remote debug : mvn spring-boot:run -DskipTests -Drun.jvmArguments="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005"

  • Or Run application with in directory server : ./ start

  • Access link url : http://localhost:8181/login

  • Git ignore file mode : git config core.fileMode false

  • Git ignore file remove cache : git rm --cached FILENAME. Example git rm --cached

  • Root folder

    • webapp
      • admin
      • pages
        • v1
          • pages
          • spa
            • templates
            • js e.g -> "/admin/v1/spa/js/sammy.template.js"
      • login
      • resources ( public )
        • boostrap
        • dist
        • plugis
  • Request API

    1. Request token
      • URL : http://localhost:8181/admin/v1/security/request-token
      • HTTP Method = POST
      • Header Content-Type : "application/json" / "application/xml"
      • Request body json format : {"user":"ariariari","token":"98253668-476e-47c9-bf7a-05aaad45bf18"}
      • Response format : JSON / XML
      • Response body in json message format : {"sessionToken": "46C9FA43D36905106BD03BC89C93EF33", "csrfToken": "63b71d2a-b695-49f9-bf32-9fdd784b6fa3"}
    2. Auth token
      • URL : http://localhost:8181/login
      • HTTP Method = POST
      • Header cookie : e.g JSESSIONID=46C9FA43D36905106BD03BC89C93EF33; XSRF-TOKEN=3b71d2a-b695-49f9-bf32-9fdd784b6fa3
      • Header X-XSRF-TOKEN : e.g 3b71d2a-b695-49f9-bf32-9fdd784b6fa3
      • Request body form-data e.g:
        • username:ari
        • password:1234
      • Response :
        • cookies JSESSIONID: e.g 1B2898B70D99DC13F54DAE4A9CF078D6
        • XSRF-TOKEN : e.g a7055b90-a035-420b-8674-275fa8b55eda
    3. API
      • E.g 1 :
        • URL e.g : http://localhost:8181/admin/v1/api/user/editUser
        • HTTP Method = POST
        • Header Content-Type : application/json / "application/xml"
        • Header cookie : e.g JSESSIONID=1B2898B70D99DC13F54DAE4A9CF078D6; XSRF-TOKEN=a7055b90-a035-420b-8674-275fa8b55eda
        • Header X-XSRF-TOKEN : e.g a7055b90-a035-420b-8674-275fa8b55eda
        • Request body json format : { "request":{"username":"ari","name":"notblank","email":"","noHp":"085645480401","roles":[{"roleName":"admin","id":"1"}],"isActive":true,"password":"dummay","id":"1"} }
        • Response body json format :
               "statusType": "UPDATE_SUCCEED",
               "message": "UPDATE SUCCESS",
               "response": {
                   "id": 1,
                   "modifiedTime": "09-12-2017 11:15:58",
                   "disabled": false,
                   "username": "ari",
                   "name": "notblank",
                   "password": "dummay",
                   "email": "",
                   "noHp": "085645480401",
                   "isActive": true,
                   "roles": [
                           "id": 1,
                           "createdTime": "09-12-2017 11:15:58",
                           "disabled": false,
                           "roleName": "admin"
      • E.g 2 :
        • URL e.g : http://localhost:8181/admin/v1/api/user/list
        • HTTP Method = POST
        • Header cookie : e.g JSESSIONID=1B2898B70D99DC13F54DAE4A9CF078D6; XSRF-TOKEN=a7055b90-a035-420b-8674-275fa8b55eda
        • Header X-XSRF-TOKEN : e.g a7055b90-a035-420b-8674-275fa8b55eda
        • Request body json format e.g : {"request":{"limit":10,"offset":0,"search":""}}
        • Response body in json message format :
               "statusType": "LIST_SUCCEED",
               "message": "LIST SUCEESS",
               "response": {
                   "disabled": false,
                   "totalRecord": 2,
                   "listUser": [
                           "id": 1,
                           "createdTime": "16-04-2017 01:14:39",
                           "modifiedTime": "16-04-2017 01:14:39",
                           "version": "1.0",
                           "disabled": false,
                           "username": "ari",
                           "name": "",
                           "email": "",
                           "noHp": "085645480401",
                           "isActive": true,
                           "roles": [
                                   "id": 1,
                                   "createdTime": "15-04-2017 02:02:17",
                                   "modifiedTime": "15-04-2017 02:02:17",
                                   "version": "1.0",
                                   "disabled": false,
                                   "roleName": "admin"
                           "id": 2,
                           "createdTime": "04-04-2017 03:15:20",
                           "modifiedTime": "03-12-2017 04:09:42",
                           "disabled": false,
                           "username": "coba",
                           "name": "coba",
                           "email": "coba@coba",
                           "noHp": "1111111111",
                           "isActive": true,
                           "roles": [
                                   "id": 4,
                                   "createdTime": "03-12-2017 04:09:42",
                                   "modifiedTime": "03-12-2017 04:09:42",
                                   "disabled": false,
                                   "roleName": "public"
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 :: Spring Boot ::        (v2.2.6.RELEASE)