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License: MIT

StackableDialogFragment is a simple lightweight kotlin library that let you stack multiple DialogFragments together. It respects the creation order and represents the fragments/dialogs with a nice user friendly way.


  • Smooth enter/exit animations
  • Bottom pinned functionality like a modal
  • Resizable dialog, you can edit vertical and horizontal margin
  • The UI let the user see that there are multiple dialogs opened in the background
  • You can pass your own fragment bundles arguments without any problem

How to use it

Step 1 Add in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

  allprojects {
	 	repositories {
			maven { url '' }

Step 2 Add the dependency

  dependencies {
	    implementation 'com.github.ariskotsomitopoulos:stackabledialogfragment:v1.0.3'

Step 3 Now you can simple create your own fragment that extends StackableDialogFragment. Override getLayoutId() with your fragment's layout and you are done.

class SampleDialogFragment : StackableDialogFragment(){

    companion object {
        fun newInstance() = SampleDialogFragment()

    override fun getLayoutId(): Int = R.layout.sample_dialog_fragment

    override fun isPinnedToBottom(): Boolean = true

    override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
        titleTextView.text = arguments?.getString(ARG_SAMPLE)

Step 4 You can now use your custom dialog fragment like:


Useful Methods

You can override the following methods in order to define your own custom resources

Set the dialog pinned to the bottom

override fun isPinnedToBottom(): Boolean = false

Set the vertical margins of the dialog

override fun getVerticalMargin(): Int = R.dimen.your_custom_vertical_margin

Set the horizontal margins of the dialog

override fun getHorizontalMargin(): Int = R.dimen.your_custom_horizontal_margin

Set the window dialog background

override fun getDialogBackground(): Int = R.drawable.your_custom_drawable

Modifies the animation speed

override fun isFastAnimation(): Boolean = true