A open source application for search express infomation.
Especially for Chinese expresses,it maybe work so slow if u are not in China.
Open this source is for a competition holded by a online-education origanation group named JIKEXUEYUAN.
Here's the offical site:http://www.jikexueyuan.com/
By the way,thanks to AndroidResideMenu.Here is the repository:
Thaks to OrmLite.
OrmLite Offical site:http://ormlite.com/
#Chinese Explanation http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4b20ae2e0102vi07.html
Don't use these images for my project for bussiness, because there are found from the internet.
Don't use my express key from ickd.cn for bussiness. U can have one just apply for it.
#A bit info about us CSG:
Our offical site:http://www.hicsg.com/
We are a small group to do things for people.We are trying to make public service to help people for free in daily life.
We also develope some projects with reword if some companies ask us to make some apps.
If u are instrested in us,come and join.